I decided after years of reading blogs that it was time to start blogging.
Why Blogger? I wanted an easy web interface, but also I wanted it hosted on my site (which is Debian based). A couple of blog tools offer this. I wanted something really simple and I didn’t want to host my own tools (keeping my own TWiki’s up-to-date has been a pain) so I wanted the tools hosted elsewere. I also required that the remote tools used a secure connection to my server – Blogger uses SFTP.
But the clincher was the new Google Toolbar.
My only SNAFU so far is that I’ve got my new Kitchen TWiki working to send and receive RSS, however, the signup for Blogger Pro has the note “Blogger Pro ordering is currently offline while we retool. Sorry for the inconvenience. Please check back next week.”
Life With Alacrity
© Christopher Allen