
Mini Resume Card for Conference Season

Between the business of the March/April conference season and leaving Blackphone, I’ve run out of business cards. Rather than rush to print a bunch of new ...

Kathy Sierra of Serious Pony on Trolls

I don’t like forwarding negative topics on social networks such as Facebook, largely because of an internal intuition that has since been confirmed scientifi...

Deep Context Shared Languages

I consider one of my missions in life to be to “create tools that allow people to communicate about complexity”. There are many problems to address and many...

Underestimating the Long Term

I recently ran into a quote that rang true to me. It is from Bill Gates in “The Road Ahead”, but is wise enough that it may have older origins than that:

Some History of SSL Security Reviews

Regarding the Heartbleed bug, SSL and TLS vendors used to require code security reviews before CAs would accept certificate requests from that implementation.

Manage the Environment, Not the People

Matt Taylor Photo In the late 80’s I met Matt Taylor at a Mac user group event, and we became friends. We eventually became reciprocal apprentices — he learn...

Paying for Favors

One of the common practices in the independent movie industry is to share favors to keep production costs low. I loan you use of a camera and you later do so...

Compensating the Creators

I was going through my first blog posts, and rediscovered a quote from 2003 Game Designer and Pundit Greg Costikyan from his blog Games * Design * Art * Cult...

Blog Action Day on Climate Change

Late this evening while catching up on my feeds, I saw for the first time that this year’s Blog Action Day is on the topic of Climate Change. This event is s...

New Blog for Ephemera

This blog has been quiet lately as I’ve been doing a lot of work in the last year on the iPhone. I’ve been speaking at conferences like eComm 2008 (presentat...

New Sidebar: Recent Bookmarks

If you read my blog through an aggregator, you may not have noticed my new sidebar “Recent Bookmarks”. It is a list of web pages that I’ve found interesting ...

Google Suggest Dissected

As a former Macintosh developer, I’ve always been disappointed with the user-interface of web pages. The state of the art of UI design moved backwards with t...

JotSpot: Application Wiki

Joe Kraus, one of the co-founders of Excite, and new blogger has long been rumored to be working on a new wiki tool. Today at the Web 2.0 conference Joe fin...

Map Mashup

I’m a sucker for great user-interface design ideas, especially if they succeed with what typically has poor UI design – web pages.


I keep an eye out for new ideas in Wiki technology (see my post from February Looking at Wiki), and I recently became fascinated by TiddlyWiki. It is sort of...

Politics with Respect

This is not a political blog, but like most bloggers I’ve been indundated with various discussions about the Bush Administration, Michael Moore, Red vs. Blue...

Circus Contraption in SF during August

In my review last January of the amazing Seven Fingers of the Hand Circus I talk about why I like circuses that are more raw and intimate, i.e. more “human” ...

Too High a Standard

I have for some time told people that one way that my blog was different was because I was focused on offering a high signal-to-noise ratio. I told them that...

Annoyed by Zero Degrees

As I’m studying social network software right now, I consider it my job to try many of the hundred some odd social networks out there right now.

Too Many Social Network Services

In the last few weeks I’ve gotten more invitations to friends via Orkut then I have from all the other social networks I’ve tried out. I currently have 61 fr...

Converting to TypePad Complete

For the last few weeks I’ve been moving my blog from Blogger Pro over to the TypePad service, after a frustrating try to get WordPress to work. While I was a...

Holiday Over

I had a nice relaxing five day holiday – good to get the creative juices flowing again.

Seven Fingers of the Hand

Yesterday I watched the amazing Seven Fingers of the Hand Circus. There were parts of it that were so beautiful and meaningful that I cried.

Working on Wiki Design Patterns

I’ve been working today on understand the Design Pattern Language behind the Wiki concept. I’ve been making some postings at the Meatball Wiki site on this t...

Enterprise Social Networking

InfoWorld has an article by Ephraim Schwartz called “Social Networking Targets the Enterprise” that says that corporations are looking to use social networki...

Chinese Social Network

The Social Software Weblog discusses DragonVenture Invests in Social Networking Platform in China:

Skotos and Social Software

I’ve been interested for several years in the ability of “player-generated content” to create niche or small multiplayer online games, at a company I’ve inve...

Conserving Social Capital

A followup to my post yesterday Social Software – Problems & the Definition of “Friends”, I saw in Scott Lofteness’ blog a reference to David Hornick’s V...

Committing to Vonage

In September I signed up for Vonage, a VoIP (Voice-over-IP) service that using SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) that allows you to connect using the net to ...

Political Action and Visual Media

I’ve been playing around with a number of so-called Social Software/Social Networking sites for about six months. I’m currently on Ryze with supposedly 13 ‘...


Stuart Henshal recommended that I try out w.Bloggar for creating blog posts. I’m giving it a try here. So far seems interesting – in addition to spell check...

Reinventing Email

As a user-interface designer in the 80’s for companies like Apple Computer, and as old ‘groupware’ professional in the early 90’s, I’ve been quite disappoint...

Music and Double Moral Hazard

A very interesting article that has a different take on why the tussle of people who file share vs. the Music Industry. What I like is that it is taking a “b...

eLance Success

I have been experimenting with eLance, which is a source of contractors for various web, graphic, and business related projects. So far I’ve put out bids for...

RSS & Blogger

RSS is finally available to Blogger members, so as soon as I’ve figured it out I’ll be adding it here.

Perspective on Capital to Market

Game Designer and Pundit Greg Costikyan: wrote in his blog a thought I can’t believe that I’ve not heard of before, it makes so much sense. But it is new to ...


Stuart Henshall has been investigating for a while the use of converencing software (iChat, Skype, etc.) for use with business. I thought this advertisement ...

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Blockchain Commons in 2024

I regularly post all of my “Musings of a Trust Architect” to both here and Blockchain Commons, but other posts at Blockchain Commons may be of interest as we...

Echoes from History II

This article, like “Echoes from History: Designing Self-Sovereign Identity with Care”, is drawn from a book I have in process called FOREMEMBRANCE, which c...

Echoes from History

This article was originally published as an advance reading for RWOT12 in Köln, Germany on August 9, 2023. It has been slightly edited for this reprint. ...

Self-Sovereign Computing

ABSTRACT: Self-Sovereign Computing is a transformative paradigm designed to empower individuals to take command of their digital journey and to uphold t...

Self-Sovereign Identity: 5 Years On

ABSTRACT: On April 26, 2016, Christopher released “The Path to Self-Sovereign Identity”, a foundational article on SSI. Five years on, self-sovereign iden...

The Path to Self-Sovereign Identity

Today I head out to a month-long series of events associated with identity: I’m starting with the 22st (!) Internet Identity Workshop next week; then I’m sp...

Dyads & Triads — The Smallest Teams

(By Christopher Allen with Elyn Andersson and Shannon Appelcline) Two years ago, the Bainbridge Graduate Institute (www.BGI.edu) faculty gathered to radic...

A Relationship With Work

I am a lifetime entrepreneur. Even when working for large organizations I find my approach to be entrepreneurial (what my mentor Gifford Pinchot would call I...

Password Best Practices

Passwords are very important for maintaining your online identity, because they ensure that no one else can access your accounts and do things that you would...

Ratings: Who Do You Trust?

My colleague, Shannon Appelcline, has been working on a game rating system for RPGnet. This has resulted in real-world application of the principles for desi...

Using 5-Star Rating Systems

In Collective Choice: Rating Systems I discuss ratings scales of various sorts, from eBay’s 3-point scale to RPGnet’s double 5-point scale, and BoardGame Gee...

Flames: Emotional Amplification of Text

I’ve been a moderator/host/forum leader for various bulletin boards and other online communities since the early 1980s; first on CompuServe, later on GEnie...

On Being an Angel

In the last month or so I’ve received a number of links to Life With Alacrity as a venture capital blog, and to myself as a venture capitalist.

Dunbar Number & Group Cohesion

There is some more excellent research this week by Nick Yee and Nicolas Ducheneaut in the PlayOn blog. Again, their research provides good insight into socia...

Dunbar & World of Warcraft

In my initial blog entry on the Dunbar Number I presented some statistics on group sizes based on the online game Ultimata Online. In it you could clearly se...

Collective Choice: Rating Systems

By Christopher Allen & Shannon Appelcline [This is the second of a series of articles on collective choice, co-written by my collegue Shannon Appelclin...

Future Topics

I’ve been working on an ambitious list of topics that I’d like to cover over the next year. I offer them to you here so you can have some idea the areas that...

Dunbar Triage: Too Many Connections

As someone who now has over 171 professional “connections” in my LinkedIn Profile, 198 “friends” on Orkut, many more non-intersecting friends and acquaintan...

Tracing the Evolution of Social Software

The term ‘social software’, which is now used to define software that supports group interaction, has only become relatively popular within the last two or ...

Progressive Trust

I believe that as we evolve social software to better serve our needs and the needs of the groups that we are involved in, we need to figure out how to apply...

Great Social Networking Posts

While I’ve been out attending the SXSW Music, Movie and Interactive Conference there has been a flurry of high-quality postings about Social Networking.

Hand-Crafting My FOAF

While at eTech, I attended a number of “social software” sessions. One thing I heard was a persistent call from folk like Marc Canter for all the vendors to ...

Looking at Wiki

I’ve not just been spending time looking at social networking services, I’ve also been digging deeper into wiki. I’ve still got more to go, but some of these...

My Advice to Social Networking Services

I have now had CEOs of three different social networks send me emails asking me to compare Orkut to their service. I’ve not had a chance to dig deeply into g...

Followup on Orkut

I’ve read of emails, Orkut messages, and blog postings since my post yesterday, so I thought I would share some with you.

Insecurity at Orkut

Like many others, I’ve been paying attention to Orkut in the last couple of weeks. I’ve answered more requests to be “friends” on Orkut then I have of any of...

Evaluating Social Network Services

After a week where I met a number of bloggers and social network / social software people, I decided to try to update my various networks at Ryze, Tribe.Net,...

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BayChi Talk Next Tuesday

I will be speaking next Tuesday (July 11th) at the monthly meeting of BayCHI, the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of ACM SIGCHI (Computer Human Interface Spe...

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