On my way to Seattle and then onward to IslandWood on Bainbridge Island tomorrow for @BGIedu Intensive.

x-icon Wed May 09 16:42:56 +0000 2012

RT @HeartIQ: #qotd Spice of food and life/lingers on my heart and mind/taste of a dear friend.
—Brittney Williams @britsa

x-icon Thu May 10 18:09:14 +0000 2012

#qotd “You shouldn’t get attached to a feature set. You should get attached to a problem you’re solving.”—Caterina Fake http://dthin.gs/J5xGWC

x-icon Tue May 15 02:40:15 +0000 2012

Ultimate tech of another age—this 1.4 million year old stone-age Acheulian hand-axe fits perfectly in my left hand. http://twitpic.com/9m9lpz

x-icon Fri May 18 04:56:49 +0000 2012
