Glad to see the sustainable MBA @BGIedu Organizational Change class using the #bgimgt579 hashtag this quarter.

Sun Jan 20 17:22:27 +0000 2013

qotd: “When young you think life is a sprint. When older you see it’s a marathon. And when mature you see it’s a relay race.”—Doc Searls

Mon Jan 21 10:54:15 +0000 2013

I’m hoping to meet at #macworld #iOS Devs that are interested in alternatives to OpenIn & some way to pass resulting data back to my app.

Thu Jan 31 17:41:48 +0000 2013

#qotd (quote of the day) “In our society, we listen to reply, not to understand.” at #macworld [unfortunately too true!]

Thu Jan 31 19:54:10 +0000 2013
