RT @katrynadow: #SelfSovereign #identity is the natural evolution of an empowered society

As we shift to Information Age we require new di…

x-icon Mon May 01 16:00:08 +0000 2017

Replying to @Lauren_Southern and @kristovatlas

I’ve been visiting Paris for over two weeks, and the only time I saw these kind of police was because of a political student demonstration.

x-icon Mon May 01 18:46:46 +0000 2017

RT @adam3us: @lightcoin @taoeffect @Excellion @TheBlueMatt @LarryBitcoin @GreenAddress @ChaincodeLabs @LukeDashjr interesting read to under…

x-icon Tue May 02 09:33:21 +0000 2017

RT @kanzure: Transcript: Greg Maxwell on confidential transactions http://diyhpl.us/wiki/transcripts/gmaxwell-confidential-transactions/ #bitcoin

x-icon Wed May 03 06:02:38 +0000 2017

RT @SiaTechHQ: We’ve been concerned with ICO insanity and overvaluations in the crypto/token world. Here’s a potential solution! https://t.…

x-icon Wed May 03 06:09:24 +0000 2017

RT @Blockstream: Thanks @coinbase for inviting @Blockstream CTO Greg Maxwell to give a talk on Confidential Transactions last week! https:/…

x-icon Wed May 03 06:09:32 +0000 2017

I enjoy @MicroSFF stories. This one a little longer than the average 1 tweet, but I could see a moving movie short out of it. https://twitter.com/microsff/status/859452848215654400

x-icon Wed May 03 06:49:13 +0000 2017

I’ve been forecasting this for some time. Risks of centralization & biometric information. #aadhaarleaks https://twitter.com/doctorow/status/859383483113684992

x-icon Wed May 03 06:52:35 +0000 2017

Who says you can’t buy coffee with Bitcoin? Of course, it is easier that I’m across the street from Ledger. Soon via Lighting Network!



x-icon Wed May 03 08:07:14 +0000 2017

RT @windley: Lots of interest in decentralized identifiers using distributed ledgers at #iiw


x-icon Wed May 03 08:09:29 +0000 2017

Replying to @a_ferron

Unfortunately Eurocrypt banquet is tonight at Pavilion Dauphine.

x-icon Wed May 03 08:19:20 +0000 2017

Some formal proofs at Eurocrypt that Bitcoin’s mining rate is about right. At 10m & given max network delay, 49.57% honesty required.




x-icon Wed May 03 08:43:38 +0000 2017

RT @Beautyon_: “Complexity is the Enemy of Integrity”. – Gregory Maxwell

x-icon Wed May 03 10:35:16 +0000 2017

RT @Ethan_Heilman: @NicolasDorier @SatoshiLite Benefit 1: relative (CSV) vs absolute (CTLV) locktimes. This means users can enter and leave…

x-icon Wed May 03 10:45:27 +0000 2017

RT @mikejcasey: @ARKblockchain @facebook @civickey @revilopark Self-sovereign identity is path to self-sovereign social media. You control…

x-icon Wed May 03 12:18:00 +0000 2017

Replying to @RichardDawkins

This is why Aristotle, the Romans, and the US Founding Fathers invented Republics, because democracy doesn’t scale. Now we need to reinvent.

x-icon Wed May 03 12:24:42 +0000 2017

RT @heathervescent: So many DID (decentralized identifiers) and blockchain identity sessions at #iiw.

x-icon Wed May 03 16:45:55 +0000 2017

Replying to @petertoddbtc

I can see your point, but I think their argument was if it exceeded the more general 50% mining attack then it is redundant security.

x-icon Wed May 03 18:11:01 +0000 2017

This means the cryptography community has successfully protected the 5th Amendment, other civil & human rights of 46% of US cellphone users!


x-icon Wed May 03 18:19:10 +0000 2017

Quote from https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/fbi-director-comey-law-against-encryption-trump

x-icon Wed May 03 18:21:23 +0000 2017

RT @windley: Full house for @drummondreed’s talk on decentralized identifiers (DIDs) at #iiw


x-icon Wed May 03 18:32:45 +0000 2017

RT @seanbohan: #IIW @drummondreed doing “DIDs 101” for a standing room only identity crowd cc: @evernym @sovrinid #indy https://t.co/u11PyB…

x-icon Wed May 03 18:33:06 +0000 2017

RT @trbouma: Latin roots: validate - determine in force/binding; verify - substantiate/find truth. Two very different v-words, not intercha…

x-icon Thu May 04 06:05:39 +0000 2017

RT @iang_fc: The war on cash attracts all sorts of intelligent people for all sorts of irrational logic - Haldane on NIRP https://t.co/1MJc…

x-icon Thu May 04 06:21:34 +0000 2017

RT @trbouma: “Right now, the interface  relies on app developer not lying about name and app logo, that’s not good enough.”

x-icon Thu May 04 06:25:14 +0000 2017

Many of these cognitive tricks are used by politicians, not just magicians. Our brains are full of heuristics & bias http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/teller-reveals-his-secrets-100744801/?all

x-icon Thu May 04 07:08:30 +0000 2017

There is something just appropriately scaled about the Parisian passage—a covered alley between two buildings that are the original malls.



x-icon Fri May 05 04:12:07 +0000 2017

RT @IDIMAndrew: OH at #IIW The correct quote is “I think therefore I am” NOT “I register on Facebook, therefore I am” - how to explain ‘ide…

x-icon Fri May 05 19:27:38 +0000 2017

RT @mgd: A Self-Sovereign #Identity Architecture - ID2020 Design Workshop http://buff.ly/2qwrwKZ


x-icon Fri May 05 19:28:37 +0000 2017

RT @kentbye: This “The Path to Self-Sovereign Identity” essay by @ChristopherA is an incredible manifesto laying out a decentralized privac…

x-icon Fri May 05 19:34:58 +0000 2017

RT @kentbye: Full proceedings from the 4th #RebootingWebOfTrust DesignShop gathering to decentralize identity w the blockchain:

x-icon Fri May 05 19:41:21 +0000 2017

Interesting 2014 law article on the legality of a zero-member LLC managed by an algorithm. http://scholarlycommons.law.northwestern.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1009


x-icon Fri May 05 21:29:46 +0000 2017

RT @robertobrien: @zacharylarson @ChristopherA here an alternate link http://ir.law.fsu.edu/articles/41/

x-icon Sat May 06 03:56:21 +0000 2017

@tomatlee Any progress on Creative Commons license for at least the text of your pattern language like the Group Works pattern language did?

x-icon Tue May 09 01:40:46 +0000 2017

RT @rootkovska: Organizations all over the world should DEMAND from Intel ability to disable ME/AMT code. For good. There are likely many m…

x-icon Tue May 09 13:40:35 +0000 2017

RT @MarkGraham: More than 200 terabytes of US Government web content archived and available via the Wayback Machine http://ln.is/blog.archive.org/201/ejIJu…

x-icon Tue May 09 13:42:27 +0000 2017

RT @maxkeiser: The public domain (ex. a public park or a library) is shrinking due to invasive ‘privatization.’ Crypto pushes back in an hi…

x-icon Tue May 09 13:42:58 +0000 2017

RT @Techmeme: SiFive, creators of open RISC-V architecture, announce $8.5M Series B led by Spark Capital http://www.pcworld.com/article/3194357/ https://t.…

x-icon Tue May 09 13:57:20 +0000 2017

RT @Steve_Lockstep: AUS #DPA @OAICgov basically says photographs are #PII.
MyPOV: Yes, it is prudent to treat photos as identifiable. https…

x-icon Tue May 09 14:02:06 +0000 2017

RT @Snyke: I completed my first #Lightning network payment on #Litecoin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=baHHMNA8yf4

x-icon Wed May 10 23:26:31 +0000 2017

RT @RCasatta: Andrew Poelstra isn’t a mathematician, he is a wizard: Scriptless script, Schnorr & adaptor signature, CT are some of his spe…

x-icon Wed May 10 23:26:48 +0000 2017

Replying to @iang_fc

Because if a subsequent key compromise did not happen near that day, or if the key expires later, the signature was valid on day of signing.

x-icon Thu May 11 03:27:37 +0000 2017

This isn’t SF, but a real concern. You can’t revoke a biometric. https://twitter.com/microsff/status/862636630666031104

x-icon Thu May 11 15:42:33 +0000 2017

RT @Blockstream: 0.00000001 LTC settled in under a second. Details on first Lightning micropayment on production blockchain. See https://t.…

x-icon Fri May 12 18:36:16 +0000 2017

Here is Felix, the inventor of the hand pan, the instrument I play, making a simple one. Real one 250K hammer hits. https://youtu.be/IkWKJaZ2z7c

x-icon Fri May 12 19:39:30 +0000 2017

RT @paulmadsen: Every ID system characterized by
1) what is asserted
2) how is assertion delivered
3) why you believe integrity
4) why you…

x-icon Fri May 12 19:40:43 +0000 2017

RT @nopara73: I just published “Introducing HiddenWallet : Full Block SPV TumbleBit Wallet — Testing Release” https://medium.com/p/introducing-hiddenwallet-full-block-spv-tumblebit-wallet-testing-release-1054a15a9bb1

x-icon Sun May 14 17:01:01 +0000 2017

RT @Excellion: #DefensivePatentLicense https://twitter.com/valaafshar/status/863537557392510976

x-icon Sun May 14 17:12:53 +0000 2017

Replying to @theonevortex

I don’t think Roger actually reads any replies.

x-icon Sun May 14 17:39:19 +0000 2017

RT @bergealex4: I just published “UASF: User Driven Protocol Development” https://medium.com/p/uasf-user-driven-protocol-development-da4e886832d

x-icon Mon May 15 15:36:31 +0000 2017

RT @trbouma: Recommended read on @Medium: “The giant analog blockchain of Turkey!” http://ift.tt/28Xo6t2

x-icon Mon May 15 15:42:24 +0000 2017

If an artist can identify 70% of random bystanders through facial recognition, what does that mean for privacy? http://www.anonews.co/pg-proves-privacy/

x-icon Mon May 15 18:08:07 +0000 2017

Replying to @DarioTepoTec

There comes a point where only the solutions are cultural ones—which may require strategies as shaming or shunning. These too can be abused.

x-icon Mon May 15 20:15:22 +0000 2017

The Foresight Institute @foresightnano hosts salons on emerging world-changing tech—this one on future of blockchain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS1p_iF7tEU

x-icon Tue May 16 20:08:56 +0000 2017

RT @zeldman: “Our answer machines have an overconfidence problem.” Algorithms make errors; design makes them seem authoritative. @bigmedium…

x-icon Tue May 16 23:00:08 +0000 2017

Replying to @amoration and @foresightinst

The full first draft is here. I welcome suggestions to clarify and on what I’m missing. https://github.com/ChristopherA/participatory-self-sovereign-blockchain-principles

x-icon Wed May 17 03:43:02 +0000 2017

RT @EvoHeyning: “What do end users expect from blockchain technologies?”

Comments appreciated on open principles from @christopherA https:…

x-icon Wed May 17 18:05:21 +0000 2017

Replying to @cmort, @NishantK, @Steve_Lockstep and @BlockChainSmith

Here is a 15 step use case for a refugee use case using self-sovereign identity principles from #RebootingWebOfTrust https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rebooting-the-web-of-trust-fall2016/blob/master/final-documents/joram-engagement-model.pdf

x-icon Wed May 17 18:11:34 +0000 2017

“There are laws currently operating in the UK, which are not consistent with due process norms” — in the US too! https://gizmodo.com/why-this-man-is-risking-jail-by-refusing-to-surrender-p-1795272517

x-icon Thu May 18 02:22:30 +0000 2017

But can we get a W3C Verifiable Claim from Capital One? Can someone else get one about us without our approval? Many more questions! https://twitter.com/identityman1/status/864997165940199424

x-icon Thu May 18 02:35:10 +0000 2017

RT @paddyncl: Cryptographic protocols are designed to be secure against rational adversaries. Crux. people are not inherently rational. Emo…

x-icon Thu May 18 02:37:39 +0000 2017

My favorite statement on this topic so far. And good for many other topics as well! https://twitter.com/eric_lombrozo/status/864938118461267970

x-icon Thu May 18 02:42:27 +0000 2017

RT @antony_btc: A gentle introduction to self-sovereign identity http://bitsonblocks.net/2017/05/17/a-gentle-introduction-to-self-sovereign-identity/


x-icon Thu May 18 05:28:15 +0000 2017

Replying to @1cyrilblanc1, @Excellion, @moneytrigz and @eric_lombrozo

I have watched it, but it isn’t new to me (and others I suspect)-for instance Blockstream has a defensive patent policy like he recommends.

x-icon Thu May 18 17:35:35 +0000 2017

RT @TEDTalks: “Magic is the only honest profession. A magician promises to deceive you – and he does.” http://t.ted.com/uA880EJ

x-icon Thu May 18 19:08:53 +0000 2017

RT @torproject: 2/ The list of accepted papers is up (and open access):

x-icon Fri May 19 16:26:53 +0000 2017

RT @anguschampion: ‘Trust’ is probably one of the most overused/misunderstood words in the blockchain/crypto space. I’ve been guilty of thi…

x-icon Fri May 19 20:58:06 +0000 2017

The scientific team that this book memorialized is quite amazing—not only for the science of cognitive bias but also how they collaborated. https://twitter.com/triptananda/status/865666891162959872

x-icon Fri May 19 21:07:35 +0000 2017

Replying to @iang_fc

I’ve seen a number of these desire lists. I like: meaning; purpose; value; connection; resilience; & transcendence. Often prioritized>Maslow

x-icon Fri May 19 21:20:06 +0000 2017

Replying to @oleganza

I write about this in Smarter Signatures: Experiments in Verification from #RebootingWebOfTrust https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/ID2020DesignWorkshop/blob/master/final-documents/smarter-signatures.pdf

x-icon Fri May 19 21:22:29 +0000 2017

Replying to @iang_fc

This list of six enduring desires👆from @MicheleJDeMarco

x-icon Fri May 19 21:27:03 +0000 2017

RT @WayneVaughan: Great memories of Consensus 2015. Showing @Tierion & @chainpnt to @jcp, @tdryja, and @ChristopherA. Can’t wait to see eve…

x-icon Fri May 19 21:27:45 +0000 2017

Replying to @WayneVaughan, @Tierion, @chainpnt, @jcp and @tdryja

Unfortunately I will not be at Consensus this year. Focused on some milestones at work in Bay Area.

x-icon Fri May 19 21:28:47 +0000 2017

RT @eric_lombrozo: 1/ The #Bitcoin network belongs to its users, not to any single company.

x-icon Sat May 20 07:47:18 +0000 2017

Replying to @TuurDemeester

I taught some about this in my old & quite eclectic MBA course “Digital Influence”. I would consider adding this book to the syllabus.

x-icon Sat May 20 19:42:22 +0000 2017

RT @TuurDemeester: @ChristopherA Screenshot of the synopsis:


x-icon Sat May 20 19:42:29 +0000 2017

Replying to @TuurDemeester

My old SlideShare talk on persuasion and influence from my class. Too bad LinkedIn deleted the audio. https://www.slideshare.net/ChristopherA/tactics-of-persuasion-influence-bgiedu

x-icon Sat May 20 19:53:44 +0000 2017

Replying to @TuurDemeester

I like “Decisive” — it focuses on the cognitive biases that are easiest to overcome that have the most impact. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009JU6UPG

x-icon Sat May 20 19:57:19 +0000 2017

RT @VladZamfir: Commercial interest in blockchains has far outpaced academic, commercial and policy understanding of the tech.

x-icon Mon May 22 07:04:11 +0000 2017

RT @VladZamfir: How is anyone who isn’t deeply involved in the space able to identify the relevant experts for some use-case (if they even…

x-icon Mon May 22 07:04:13 +0000 2017

Replying to @Jesse_Victors and @VladZamfir

I agree. There are many use cases where hash chain & tree logs are better than a full block chain. Also true for distributed databases.

x-icon Mon May 22 15:51:38 +0000 2017

RT @WiseDemocracy: Convening a microcosm of a community or society to deliberate on an issue is a means to create collective wisdom https:/…

x-icon Mon May 22 16:23:34 +0000 2017

RT @Blockstream: Learn what’s new with Liquid, the world’s first federated sidechain that enables rapid & secure bitcoin transfers: https:/…

x-icon Mon May 22 17:14:57 +0000 2017

RT @EFF: Supreme Court cuts back on the East Texas loophole in patent litigation. A big win for innovation. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2017/05/supreme-court-ends-texas-grip-patent-cases

x-icon Tue May 23 00:26:27 +0000 2017

RT @LedgerHQ: Soft launching Ledger SGX Enclave: a new quick prototyping architecture for Blockchain security applications https://t.co/4zr…

x-icon Tue May 23 00:31:04 +0000 2017

RT @IEEESSP: It’s true! All #SP17 papers available on website this week. https://twitter.com/1sand0s/status/866726969425219584

x-icon Tue May 23 00:31:17 +0000 2017

Replying to @Steve_Lockstep, @trbouma, @EmLindley, @Microsoft and @SovrinID

No, it is not rooted in Microsoft. DPKI & DIDs started and incubated in #RebootingWebOfTrust events. See https://GitHub.com/weboftrustinfo

x-icon Tue May 23 00:42:59 +0000 2017

After success incubating Verifiable Claims WG, the W3C Credentials CG is deciding on next work items. Join call Tue! https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2017May/0050.html

x-icon Tue May 23 01:41:14 +0000 2017

RT @giacomozucco: Blockstream#AMA with @adam3us, @Excellion and Andrew Poelstra!


x-icon Tue May 23 01:51:28 +0000 2017

RT @davidmanheim: #Tweetstorm in 4 parts: My thoughts on some problems that @ethereumproject, or any other #SmartContract platform, faces.…

x-icon Tue May 23 21:52:10 +0000 2017

RT @manusporny: Credentials Community Group discusses new members, action items, future work plans: http://w3c.github.io/vctf/meetings/2017-05-23/ #w3c #ccg

x-icon Tue May 23 22:03:41 +0000 2017

RT @coindesk: @adam3us describes scalability of sidechains, cryptographic innovations for confidential assets and transactions. #consensus2…

x-icon Wed May 24 16:26:17 +0000 2017

Replying to @veorq

Hash signatures are likely to be quantum resistant. Other QR schemes still questionable. Long term sigs (deeds, credentials) may need them.

x-icon Wed May 24 16:35:54 +0000 2017

RT @lopp: “Academia often only teaches students the past. It’s my responsibility to ensure my students are disruptors, not disruptees.” - @…

x-icon Wed May 24 16:51:21 +0000 2017

I spoke at the last CFRG F2F that prime order curves like secp256k1 are often better solutions than 25519. Example: https://nickler.ninja/blog/2017/05/23/exploiting-low-order-generators-in-one-time-ring-signatures/

x-icon Wed May 24 17:52:31 +0000 2017

RT @Steve_Lockstep: The DID work is well thought through. It sets the identity problems to be solved, and has a strong set of design princi…

x-icon Thu May 25 15:25:21 +0000 2017

RT @csuwildcat: @derosetech @Steve_Lockstep I’m as skeptical as you are about putting anything on-chain besides DIDs + routing info, but it…

x-icon Thu May 25 15:30:39 +0000 2017

RT @n1ckler: “Exploiting Low Order Generators in One-Time Ring Signatures” https://nickler.ninja/blog/2017/05/23/exploiting-low-order-generators-in-one-time-ring-signatures/ adding more context to the recent Crypto…

x-icon Fri May 26 06:21:12 +0000 2017

RT @Truthcoin: Altcoins totally obsolete, and it becomes crystal clear that ICOs are unlicensed (illegal) equity sales. So muti-billion $$…

x-icon Fri May 26 19:46:07 +0000 2017

RT @isislovecruft: @hdevalence To find API pain points, we implemented Back-Maxwell rangeproofs w/ Borromean ring signatures (also in const…

x-icon Sat May 27 03:44:15 +0000 2017

RT @windley: I just published “Life-Like Anonymity” https://medium.com/p/life-like-anonymity-7910e0931707

x-icon Sat May 27 17:08:45 +0000 2017

RT @ponli137: Some thoughts on why I belive in #Bitcoin over #Ethereum


x-icon Sat May 27 17:09:43 +0000 2017

RT @girlandgrowl: Atomic swaps, an often overlooked feature of Lightning, may be the key to true decentralized exchanges https://t.co/NPzqQ…

x-icon Sat May 27 17:10:05 +0000 2017

RT @qrs: Why Johnny Can’t Encrypt, 2017 edition. https://www.ieee-security.org/TC/SP2017/papers/84.pdf


x-icon Sat May 27 17:13:36 +0000 2017

RT @palleylaw: “But Steve, surely you’re not suggesting that there are criminal laws that apply to token sales?”


x-icon Sat May 27 17:34:16 +0000 2017

RT @eric_lombrozo: I’ve been waiting for #SegWit to activate so I can focus on building payment channel support that will allow incentivize…

x-icon Sat May 27 17:38:11 +0000 2017

Replying to @DarioTepoTec and @ARKblockchain

I have been desiring a decentralized market for bandwidth since fidonet in 80s got me started on cryptocurrencies. But it is a hard problem.

x-icon Sat May 27 17:44:28 +0000 2017

Replying to @DarioTepoTec and @ARKblockchain

I am disappointed that at first glance Mysterium appears the be yet other ETH token.

x-icon Sat May 27 17:45:31 +0000 2017

Replying to @DarioTepoTec and @ARKblockchain

One of the first things I tried to persuade David Chaum to do was digicash-style tokens that were priced as bandwidth. Offer or consume BGP.

x-icon Sun May 28 00:23:38 +0000 2017

RT @ChristopherA: @DarioTepoTec @ARKblockchain One of the first things I tried to persuade David Chaum to do was digicash-style tokens that…

x-icon Sun May 28 00:24:17 +0000 2017

RT @ChristopherA: @DarioTepoTec @ARKblockchain I have been desiring a decentralized market for bandwidth since fidonet in 80s got me starte…

x-icon Sun May 28 00:24:24 +0000 2017

Replying to @DarioTepoTec and @ARKblockchain

Part of the challenge of bandwidth tokens was how to adapt to Δ latency vs. speed & how to keep denial-of-service from manipulating pricing.

x-icon Sun May 28 00:28:35 +0000 2017

RT @ChristopherA: @DarioTepoTec @ARKblockchain Part of the challenge of bandwidth tokens was how to adapt to Δ latency vs. speed & how to k…

x-icon Sun May 28 00:28:39 +0000 2017

RT @eric_lombrozo: Please retweet if you oppose handing over the entire #Bitcoin network to a company seeking to take as much in fees and m…

x-icon Sun May 28 06:54:50 +0000 2017

RT @manusporny: Credentials CG discusses scope and naming, browser API/polyfill, pseudonimity, DIDs: https://w3c.github.io/vctf/meetings/2017-05-30/ #w3c #vctf

x-icon Wed May 31 01:26:59 +0000 2017

RT @trbouma: Recommended read on @Medium: “Sovrin Web of Trust” http://ift.tt/2rC63kC

x-icon Wed May 31 01:28:38 +0000 2017

RT @kimdhamilton: #rebootingweboftrust /cc:@ChristopherA @manusporny https://twitter.com/kimdhamilton/status/869679584223952896

x-icon Wed May 31 01:29:10 +0000 2017

Replying to @IdentityiPseudo and @pwuille

We are making progress. See #RebootingWebOfTrust — we just had our 4th event & 5th will be in Boston Oct 3-5 http://github.com/weboftrustinfo

x-icon Wed May 31 01:31:16 +0000 2017

RT @ThisGuyHarrison: @kentbye @janoc200 @mitgc_cm @DecentralizedID @identity2020 @philiprosedale @ChristopherA Also check out the notes to…

x-icon Wed May 31 01:32:01 +0000 2017

RT @durumcrustulum: // @hdevalence


x-icon Wed May 31 01:42:49 +0000 2017

This is the best layman description of the Liquid sidechain of Bitcoin that I’ve seen so far. Not a new token, but improves the ecosystem. https://twitter.com/bhbnetwork/status/869963658079686656

x-icon Wed May 31 20:11:48 +0000 2017
