Our book on the design of cooperative games @MeeplesTogether was finished last year, but @Appelcline & I still continue to play cooperative games, and find new patterns to talk about. As a celebration of the release of the print edition, here is some new things we’ve learned! https://twitter.com/MeeplesTogether/status/1123668347877511168

Thu May 02 06:13:54 +0000 2019

RT @FullyNoded: We have a testflight update live! Now see your nodes info, select specific UTXOs for txs, bug fixes and general improvement…

Thu May 02 16:13:28 +0000 2019

RT @FullyNoded: Wanted to give a big shoutout to @ChristopherA for his guide on “learning bitcoin from the command line” and @Xis10tial1 fo…

Thu May 02 16:13:32 +0000 2019

Replying to @FullyNoded

What do think about using SSH over Tor on iOS and setup onion node for your node?

Thu May 02 19:06:32 +0000 2019

I will be attending and speaking at next week’s Wyoming Legislative Blockchain Task Force meeting in Jackson on Monday & Tuesday. They have been doing great work creating laws that support blockchain based startups. Agenda at details button on https://www.wyoleg.gov/Committees/2019/S3

Thu May 02 23:05:14 +0000 2019

I will be hosting a couple of events adjacent to the Task Force meeting, including one on Sunday evening on collaborating to create standard corporate documents to implement Wyoming’s new blockchain laws. Details at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/standard-corporate-documents-for-wyoming-blockchain-laws-tickets-61259719470

Thu May 02 23:06:37 +0000 2019

RT @ChristopherA: I will be hosting a couple of events adjacent to the Task Force meeting, including one on Sunday evening on collaborating…

Thu May 02 23:06:42 +0000 2019

Replying to @NelsonMRosario

I think a transparent fractional reserve policy may have its place for certain kinds of currencies. Certainly if we were able to eliminate the practice today in one fell swoop, without other system changes it would break everything due to loss of currency velocity. Challenging!

Thu May 02 23:34:17 +0000 2019

RT @kimdhamilton: The month of April showed us the magic that can happen when we support women’s work, including ~non-traditional~ choices,…

Thu May 02 23:39:38 +0000 2019

A 3rd paper from our 8th #RebootingWebOfTrust in Barcelona has now gone final: “Peer DID Method Specification Report” https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot8-barcelona/blob/master/final-documents/peer-DID-method-spec-report.md led by @brentzundel. There is a lot of discussion lately about blockchain-less DIDs: here is one.

Thu May 02 23:58:13 +0000 2019

Impressive overview by @_prestwich on how bitcoin-core decides what transaction scripts are “standard” and thus are shared by the P2P network before being accepted into a block vs. those that may be valid to mine but are not shared. Much I did not know! https://prestwi.ch/the-bitcoin-nonstandard/

Fri May 03 16:54:11 +0000 2019

Replying to @mwilcox

This is not censorship as it does not limit individual’s ability to transact. It is attack-resistance, as all public blockchain designs have to have some limits or the sybil will censor by denial of service.

Fri May 03 18:22:15 +0000 2019

Replying to @dindjic, @_prestwich and @angela_walch


Fri May 03 21:43:40 +0000 2019

I’m also in Jackson Hole for the Wyoming Legislative Blockchain Task Force meeting, but donplan to take the opportunity to explore the mountains & region after. It is beautiful here! https://twitter.com/CaitlinLong_/status/1125035795214061568

Mon May 06 04:06:11 +0000 2019

Replying to @djkinkle and @capta1nk

Yes, there is simple signature plus an OR with a time lock for one year, only after which the executors key is valid. I consider this one of the simplest #SmartCustody smart contract. A form of a dead man’s switch.

Mon May 06 21:51:40 +0000 2019

RT @Crypto__101: The conversations that are changing everything

#Wyoming Legislative Joint Blockchain Task Committee 2019. Day 1


Mon May 06 21:52:38 +0000 2019

RT @kimdhamilton: Message and action plan from @w3c CCG chairs on improving clarity of processes and roadmap, support for non-technical eff…

Mon May 06 21:55:39 +0000 2019

Replying to @kaltoro_, @capta1nk and @Crypto__101


Tue May 07 05:30:10 +0000 2019

Replying to @kaltoro_, @capta1nk and @Crypto__101

https://prestwi.ch/bitcoin-time-locks/amp/ by @_prestwich

Tue May 07 05:34:30 +0000 2019

RT @CaitlinLong_: 1/ EPIC MASH UP of awesome new #blockchain law ideas provided by the attendees to #Wyoming #Blockchain Task Force meeting…

Tue May 07 06:26:43 +0000 2019

After researching best practices for simple cold storage, I discovered an useful option in some states where they offer safe-deposit boxes with joint-tenancy with right of survivorship or tenancy-in-entity. Proposed it today at Wyoming Blockchain Task Force passed motion.

Tue May 07 14:57:20 +0000 2019

This is only the first step, as research by the LSO will need to be made, and it will be brought up with actual language for further consideration at next Wyoming Blockchain Task Force Meeting in July. Takes time but nice to be heard!

Tue May 07 15:01:02 +0000 2019

These are our best practices for simple custody cold storage where we suggest the appropriate use of a safe deposit box: https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/SmartCustodyWhitePapers/blob/master/%23SmartCustody-_Simple_Self-Custody_Cold_Storage_Scenario.md Joint tenancy will address some issues.

Tue May 07 15:09:42 +0000 2019

I’m quite pleased to report that today the Wyoming Blockchain Task Force has agreed to investigate this #KeyAreNotAssets issue and will propose language for protection of keys at their next meeting, for possible proposal in next legislative session. First step in the process! 👍

Tue May 07 22:59:44 +0000 2019

RT @ChristopherA: I’m quite pleased to report that today the Wyoming Blockchain Task Force has agreed to investigate this #KeyAreNotAssets…

Tue May 07 22:59:53 +0000 2019

Replying to @Kyle_DH

For this initial law, not much. The difference would be that the demand for keys comes only later in the process after failure to deliver, if revealed is only ‘in camera’ private to the judge. But contempt of court still possible if you don’t satisfy judge. A good start on issue.

Wed May 08 05:25:49 +0000 2019

Replying to @Kyle_DH

If you are referring to Dunbar Number, the actual number for modern society is quite smaller — around 55-70. See my two series of blog posts on this topic. We are no longer tight knit hunter-gatherer tribes. http://www.lifewithalacrity.com/2008/09/group-threshold.html http://www.lifewithalacrity.com/tags/community-by-the-numbers/

Wed May 08 15:05:54 +0000 2019

RT @CaitlinLong_: 1/ UPDATE from #Wyoming #Blockchain Task Force meeting—proposed new bills to consider for January’s session incl (1) repe…

Wed May 08 18:01:42 +0000 2019

Fincen has released new guidance on what qualifies as a money transmitter. Some good, some bad. 👎Lightning nodes that charge a fee are likely money transmitters. 👍First I’ve seen from a US regulator that has a nuanced opinion on multisig. https://www.fincen.gov/sites/default/files/2019-05/FinCEN%20Guidance%20CVC%20FINAL%20508.pdf

Fri May 10 01:09:20 +0000 2019

“If the multsig wallet provider restricts its role to creating un-hosted wallets that require adding a 2nd auth key to the wallet owner’s private key in order to validate & complete transactions, the provider is not a money transmitter because it does not accept & transmit value”

Fri May 10 01:09:40 +0000 2019

This is perfect for some multisig #SmartCustody wallets like @GreenAddress, and I think for @unchainedcap’s vaults https://www.unchained-capital.com/vaults/ but there are are some other custodial solutions that may not qualify…

Fri May 10 01:13:20 +0000 2019

“On the other hand, if the person combines the services of a multiple-signature wallet provider and a hosted wallet provider, that person will then qualify as a money transmitter.”

Fri May 10 01:14:54 +0000 2019

RT @dhruvbansal: The tension between the current SEC definition of a “qualified custodian” (== one party custody) and “the right thing to d…

Fri May 10 02:18:54 +0000 2019

Replying to @MarkFriedenbach

It is pretty clear that they believe P2P & Dapps are money transmitters. …

Fri May 10 03:35:32 +0000 2019

Replying to @MarkFriedenbach

“The same regulatory interpretation that applies to mechanical agencies such as CVC kiosks applies to DApps that accept and transmit value, regardless of whether they operate for profit.“

Fri May 10 03:36:32 +0000 2019

Replying to @Xis10tial1

“To be eligible for the payment processor exemption, a person must: (a) facilitate the purchase of goods or services, or the payment of bills for goods or services (not just the money transmission itself);
(b) operate through clearance and settlement systems that admit only…

Fri May 10 15:52:32 +0000 2019

Replying to @Xis10tial1

“…BSA- regulated financial institutions;
(c) provide its service pursuant to a formal agreement; and
(d) enter a formal agreement with, at a minimum, the seller or creditor that provided the goods or services and also receives the funds.”

Fri May 10 15:53:26 +0000 2019

Replying to @Xis10tial1

Thus Lightning nodes seem unlikely to qualify under the payment processors exemption. I personally feel a node is charging fees to incentivize the support the ecosystem, and should be exempted, but that is not how this guidance seems to interpret them, but IANAL.

Fri May 10 16:00:23 +0000 2019

Interesting! “One of the platform’s unique, and potentially contentious, proposals is its focus on long-term voting rights: the idea is that shareholders will be granted more voting power the longer they own a stock.” https://qz.com/1616791/the-long-term-stock-exchange-gets-sec-approval-for-silicon-valley-friendly-platform/

Sat May 11 04:17:36 +0000 2019

RT @Rahul_Ramc: 8/ This is a lovely article on institutional archaeology - figuring out why stuff works in institutions that are so old tha…

Sat May 11 16:20:58 +0000 2019

Replying to @Rahul_Ramc

Though my 2004 post presents my thesis, the series of 3 “Community by the Numbers” posts from 2008 integrate these ideas with others into a more complete whole picture: http://www.lifewithalacrity.com/2008/09/group-threshold.html

Sat May 11 16:56:45 +0000 2019

RT @jfnewbery: .@cz_binance was badly let down by the fact that he doesn’t employ open source contributors who could tell him why this was…

Sat May 11 16:57:58 +0000 2019

RT @LarryBitcoin: Ready to #NetflixAndSync? New ABCore version 0.71 is now on the Google Play Store, updated with the fresh @bitcoincoreorg…

Sun May 12 02:43:26 +0000 2019

Replying to @kchironis

Eckman writes about how when you witness someone experiencing an emotion, you get a form of it yourself. I believe many of these genres of videos allow people to vicariously “feel” like they are doing it so they don’t have actually do it themselves. Similar to woodworking videos.

Sun May 12 16:00:10 +0000 2019

Replying to @kchironis

This does connect to narrative design as many games do this too. You see a character experience an event and a simulated emotion or emotion-like reaction and the player will experience a form of it in their mirror neurons.

Sun May 12 16:03:49 +0000 2019

RT @trbouma: “Allen said he hopes a sense of public responsibility will continue to be viewed as a competitive advantage.” @ChristopherA ht…

Mon May 13 15:22:34 +0000 2019

RT @csuwildcat: I’m excited to share with you an early look at our work on a scalable, open src, permissionless Layer 2 network for Decentr…

Mon May 13 15:22:53 +0000 2019

RT @csuwildcat: I specifically want to thank @ChristopherA ,@ChrisLundkvist, @OR13b of Transmute, @drummondreed, and everyone we collaborat…

Mon May 13 15:22:57 +0000 2019

RT @MoneyLobster: @APompliano Podcast guest!? @Microsoft #WWWC @ChristopherA World Wide Web Consortium co-founder Christopher Allen: “To…

Mon May 13 15:32:59 +0000 2019

RT @OR13b: @ChristopherA I’m seeking an editor to help Add OpenPgpSignature2019 as a JSON-LD Signature Suite: https://github.com/w3c-ccg/community/issues/71


Mon May 13 16:38:24 +0000 2019

RT @james_monaghan: @Lambo @jamie247 @ChristopherA @SovrinID @evernym I love that we’re all building on and towards open standards for this…

Mon May 13 18:51:52 +0000 2019

Many of my friends publish indie games with parts that are only economical if printed & with parts created in China. Except for a rare few, this is largely a marginal business thus a labor of love. This Trump 25% tariff could kill the indie game industry. http://www.tabletopwire.com/toys-board-games-and-dice-included-in-proposed-tariffs/

Tue May 14 15:45:33 +0000 2019

RT @MeeplesTogether: The “word of the day” is “meeple”. https://wordsmith.org/words/today.html

Tue May 14 18:56:45 +0000 2019

For years I’ve proposed that rules like laws, regulations & standards should have expiration dates. Logic is that if they don’t serve their purpose sufficiently to be renewed, then they should go. Now the entire Idaho regulatory code has expired: https://fee.org/articles/idaho-repealed-its-entire-regulatory-code-now-what/

Wed May 15 02:06:51 +0000 2019

RT @MeeplesTogether: Our newest case study is Police Precinct, a little-known co-op the fits into a neat trilogy of modern design with Pand…

Thu May 16 16:10:06 +0000 2019

RT @EFF: The CA Senate’s failure to strengthen the California Consumer Privacy Act marks “a sad day for consumer data privacy,” @Adam_D_Sch…

Fri May 17 04:37:36 +0000 2019

RT @mrinal: @JoeAndrieu @Steve_Lockstep @sam280 @lchasen @gzimmerman1024 @ACTobin @kalin_ux @windley @trbouma @scurranC3I @validIDy @Ockam_…

Sat May 18 01:27:13 +0000 2019

You can brute force open a password protected pkzip file for any password 16 chars or less using an Amazon cloud server for about 15 hours, costing ~$375 ($25 an hour). Don’t store bitcoin recovery keys in a pkzip unless they are worth less than that! https://twitter.com/hashcat/status/1129441728761610242

Sat May 18 15:13:19 +0000 2019

RT @drummondreed: @trbouma @Kyle_DH @mrinal @chriswinc @ChristopherA @JoeAndrieu @hackylawyER @SovrinID Exactly. The heart of the challenge…

Sat May 18 15:43:34 +0000 2019

If you personally hold a significant amount of cryptocurrencies (>5% of net worth), are not actively trading, and reside in a country with good rule of law, our best practices for simple custody cold storage are at https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/SmartCustodyWhitePapers/blob/master/%23SmartCustody-_Simple_Self-Custody_Cold_Storage_Scenario.md

Sat May 18 16:07:10 +0000 2019

Replying to @BoskyBitcoin and @MrHodl

If you must store passwords on paper (I use titanium) use waterproof paper and permanent ink. Also, human randomness is bad. Use either a cryptographic source of randomness (usually 128 or 256 bits) or EFF Dice Words (77 bits). https://www.eff.org/dice

Sat May 18 16:23:40 +0000 2019

Replying to @jeffjagoe and @NelsonMRosario

We do offer options that can help against stronger adversaries (at the price of process fatigue & loss of resilience) however the power of nations to attack their citizens is huge. So I don’t work hard to mitigate attacks by my own nation, hoping for rule of law to be sufficient.

Sat May 18 16:36:30 +0000 2019

Replying to @dstadulis, @BoskyBitcoin and @MrHodl

Search for precision casino dice. I like different colors for each, but they usually come in sets, so I give the rest away along with a reduced-sized PDF of the EFF word list to colleagues. https://www.dropbox.com/s/zx5atpfv2tw08kx/EFF%20Large%20Wordlist.pdf?dl=0

Sat May 18 18:32:56 +0000 2019

Replying to @papazidis

It isn’t the CPU RAM that is most significant — it is the high-end GPUs.

Sat May 18 18:34:25 +0000 2019

RT @ChristopherA: If you personally hold a significant amount of cryptocurrencies (>5% of net worth), are not actively trading, and reside…

Sat May 18 18:51:28 +0000 2019

RT @ChristopherA: @BoskyBitcoin @MrHodl If you must store passwords on paper (I use titanium) use waterproof paper and permanent ink. Also,…

Sat May 18 18:51:38 +0000 2019

Replying to @benjaminjwhitby

If you are a perfectionist these dice will be ever so slightly biased. But the profits benefit EFF. Personally loosing a few bits for dice bias is fine. So throw harder 😉

Sat May 18 19:04:33 +0000 2019

Replying to @papazidis

Absolutely. There are 8 & 16 GPU rigs you can set up for use with hashcat. The key advantage to Amazon’s is you can rent them by the hour at a predictable cost. But if you really want to build one: https://www.shellntel.com/blog/2019/2/19/how-to-build-a-2nd-8-gpu-password-cracker

Sat May 18 20:08:46 +0000 2019

RT @hackylawyER: There is no “prohibition” on publishing DIDs or the like in the #GDPR. It’s a risk-based framework that requires those wit…

Sun May 19 06:33:16 +0000 2019

RT @gojomo: @VitalikButerin I see both efforts as complementary: each appeals to fascinations of different people, & taking “paranoid bunke…

Sun May 19 16:38:07 +0000 2019

I’m puzzling through history of $ for various open source foundations. Founding members of Hyperledger contributed $250K a year, min 2 yrs. FIDO Alliance is $50K a year, but I’m unclear if founding members paid more. W3C is ~$75K. How much was it early on for banks to join R3?

Mon May 20 20:05:58 +0000 2019

How was Linux Foundation initially funded? Mozilla & Mozilla Foundation?

Mon May 20 20:16:06 +0000 2019

RT @bitcoin_experts: /u/nullc: You only need to lose 5 out of 15. Yes, if it loses 5 out of 15 online signers for 4032 blocks then the fu…

Mon May 20 23:17:22 +0000 2019

RT @kanzure: I’ll be doing a presentation @breakingbitcoin on bitcoin webapp security and vulnerabilities. In particular, things like CSRF,…

Tue May 21 05:09:01 +0000 2019

$100K loss: “I never took my online security that serious because I had never experienced an attack. And while I understood my risk profile, I was simply too lazy to secure my assets with the rigor they deserved. I urge you to learn from these mistakes.” https://medium.com/coinmonks/the-most-expensive-lesson-of-my-life-details-of-sim-port-hack-35de11517124

Tue May 21 05:28:02 +0000 2019

RT @gpestana: Just published the slides of my talk at @DTNConf about Privacy Preserving P2P networks and Distributed Hash Tables (with poin…

Tue May 21 15:55:18 +0000 2019

Replying to @TheBTCGame and @Tuskorr


Wed May 22 23:44:43 +0000 2019

Replying to @TheBTCGame and @Tuskorr

Also https://web.archive.org/web/20070305215214 [http://www.cse.ucsd.edu/users/tkohno/papers/WinZip/winzip.pdf](https://web.archive.org/web/20070305215214/http://www.cse.ucsd.edu/users/tkohno/papers/WinZip/winzip.pdf)

Wed May 22 23:48:28 +0000 2019

Replying to @MarkFriedenbach and @kallewoof

Congratulations! I know it isn’t easy!

Thu May 23 22:51:49 +0000 2019

To the non-academic cryptographer these papers are noise, but I share it as an example of significant progress in zero-knowledge computing recently. This is a particularly interesting one as it doesn’t require a trusted setup (otherwise a real challenge like the @Zcash ceremony). https://twitter.com/IACRePrint/status/1131462912650948608

Thu May 23 23:18:19 +0000 2019

I’ve experienced this problem quite regularly, and wished I could easily cancel a ride as I enter a ride share car. The drivers become desensitized to the smell. One time I came home and had to immediately put all my clothes in the wash, as they were so impregnated with scent. https://twitter.com/TheAtlantic/status/1131951411628072960

Fri May 24 21:08:31 +0000 2019

RT @adamdavidlong: 1/ Very interesting paper from @AragonOneTeam. How do we currently decide who will resolve disputes? We use random selec…

Fri May 24 23:39:35 +0000 2019

Inspired by my study of the patterns of cooperative play & my book last year @MeeplesTogether, I have just launched on @Kickstarter #GateWatch, a diceless, GMless tabletop story game for 2-5 players, using only 18 poker-sized cards: http://bit.ly/GateWatchQuickstarter

Sat May 25 19:48:46 +0000 2019

“You and your companions are members of the Gate Watch—charged to keep an eye on the border between realms. Who built the gate? What is on the other side? Why are you watching? What are you guarding against? These are the questions you will answer!” https://bit.ly/GateWatchQuickstarter

Sat May 25 19:52:52 +0000 2019

This is also an experiment in doing a #QuickStarter using @Kickstarter. • Quickstarter is about thinking small and simple.
• Quickstarter is keeping it fun & “Do It Yourself”. • Quickstarter doesn’t take over your life and is not a job. #Constraints https://creators.kickstarter.com/quickstarter/

Sat May 25 20:10:46 +0000 2019

👆@RossCowman @jmstar @aaronareed @SeanNittner @Antonios7S @raphkoster @john_harper

Sat May 25 23:05:48 +0000 2019

👍💯“The new threat model is trusted tenants, untrusted software, unit of protection is individual data items.
Yet we are still trying to bend the security systems of the 60s to fit this new world. It doesn’t work very well.”—@BenLaurie Is the capability model an answer? https://twitter.com/BenLaurie/status/1131937652327026688

Sun May 26 01:09:38 +0000 2019

RT @aaronareed: This is a lovely compact storygame with great creative prompts and an eminently replayable premise. Check it out! https://t…

Sun May 26 23:24:01 +0000 2019

RT @Appelcline: I’ve already backed this fun storytelling game from my long-time collaborator, @ChristopherA. https://twitter.com/ChristopherA/status/1132372957446074368

Mon May 27 22:31:06 +0000 2019

RT @aaronareed: @ChristopherA @MeeplesTogether @kickstarter This is a lovely compact storygame with great creative prompts and an eminently…

Tue May 28 18:36:40 +0000 2019

Replying to @giacomozucco, @surferjimw, @peterktodd, @eric_lombrozo, @LukeDashjr, @CasaHODL, @GlacierProtocol and @JuanSGalt

The #SmartCustody White Papers are at https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/SmartCustodyWhitePapers

Tue May 28 18:37:54 +0000 2019

RT @tim_bansemer: @ChristopherA they speak about you in #lille presented by Daniel Du Seuil at the #blockchain for #education event.


Tue May 28 20:37:42 +0000 2019

Replying to @reneritchie

Does it have Touch ID?

Tue May 28 20:49:08 +0000 2019

Back in the mid-90s there was a “law” of online game design to “Never Trust the Client” with strong similarity to👇. I’m fairly certain that this come from experience with the game Habitat @frandallfarmer @raphkoster? As usual, online games lead the way in security architectures. https://twitter.com/codinghorror/status/1129136417693548544

Tue May 28 22:13:50 +0000 2019

RT @frandallfarmer: @ChristopherA @raphkoster It was @epopt + me in the Lessons of Lucasfilm’s Habitat, May 1990
http://www.fudco.com/chip/lessons.html: “…

Tue May 28 22:38:03 +0000 2019

RT @MeeplesTogether: Today’s case study covers Bang!, one of the foundational teamplay games of the 21st century. https://www.meeplestogether.com/2019/05/29/team-study-bang/

Wed May 29 20:43:21 +0000 2019

Wisdom from May 1990 on network security. Have we learned this lesson yet? https://twitter.com/frandallfarmer/status/1133854063093620736

Wed May 29 23:52:48 +0000 2019

RT @csuwildcat: @boscolochris @trbouma @kimdhamilton I agree 100%. The DID network ecosystem will likely follow a power law curve where man…

Thu May 30 23:32:54 +0000 2019
