RT @Tykn_tech: Tykn’s Blog Most Read Post of 2019 #2

Spoiler Alert, it’s @ChristopherA, @Kim_Cameron, @drummondreed, @heathervescent, @Ide…

x-icon Fri Jan 03 01:19:06 +0000 2020

RT @LeahHoustonMD: #ObservationStatus “…I was stunned and incredulous. General anesthesia, major surgery, two nights on a surgical ward a…

x-icon Fri Jan 03 01:28:23 +0000 2020

“But each time I recommended a Human Rights Program, senior executives came up with an excuse to say no.” https://twitter.com/RossforMaine/status/1212711349974732800

x-icon Fri Jan 03 05:58:20 +0000 2020

In late 2018 ⁦@Appelcline⁩ & I competed & released our book ⁦@MeeplesTogether⁩ on design of cooperative tabletop board games. Since then, we have shared over 40 posts in our blog with new material & updates. Here is a summary of top 2019 games: https://www.meeplestogether.com/2019/12/25/the-2019-top-co-op-list/

x-icon Sun Jan 05 18:36:20 +0000 2020

Social Perception Bias: “People who were surrounded by people similar to them think that their group is larger than it really is, and people who have more diverse social circles think their group is smaller than it really is.” https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/01/its-the-network-stupid-study-offers-fresh-insight-into-why-were-so-divided/

x-icon Mon Jan 06 00:15:32 +0000 2020

RT @timelessdev: @ChristopherA Combined with Schelling’s segregation model its getting scary

x-icon Mon Jan 06 01:53:15 +0000 2020

Replying to @clayforsberg

We definitely do this in the approach of design workshops that I host like #RebootingWebOfTrust. https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot10-buenosaires/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/rwot-primer.md

x-icon Mon Jan 06 01:56:38 +0000 2020

Replying to @clayforsberg

Diversity is needed in all its formsz People from many walks of life and with many backgrounds who think in many different ways and have many different skills: diverse culture, class origin, sexual orientation, race, history, cognitive style & points of view.

x-icon Mon Jan 06 02:19:52 +0000 2020

Replying to @clayforsberg

We also need to embrace more “vertical” diversity: a community should include not just designers, builders & developers but also suppliers, potential users & consumers, other middlemen (often, but not always businesses & distributors), regulators and adjacent community leaders.

x-icon Mon Jan 06 02:24:06 +0000 2020

This tweet storm after the election in 2016 is even more relevant in the upcoming election year of 2020. ∑ ❶-➓: 👎 majoritarianism, 🖕plurality win,🤞majority vote in small groups, 👍 consent, 👍 deliberation, ❓one-person/one-vote, 👍 sortition. https://twitter.com/ChristopherA/status/814525689193893888

x-icon Tue Jan 07 18:18:11 +0000 2020

“While you may trust your government or think you’ve got nothing to hide, that might not always remain true. Politics evolves, governments get pushed out by elections or other events, what constitutes a “crime” changes, and civil liberties are not guaranteed.” https://twitter.com/techreview/status/1213533274934587393

x-icon Tue Jan 07 18:18:50 +0000 2020

RT @FullyNoded: 🖤 Testing @BlockchainComns StandUp-Remote, importing a BIP39 seed phrase by scanning the words on https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ w…

x-icon Tue Jan 07 18:19:14 +0000 2020

Replying to @100000000sat, @FullyNoded, @BlockchainComns, @bitcoincoreorg and @provoost

A photo is not taken & nothing is saved to camera roll—it is a scanner API hooked into the iPhones onboard AI chip. There is more testing to do (including a testing app stub with network turned off to confirm no net attempts). Also the intent is small hot wallet, not hodl cold.

x-icon Tue Jan 07 19:46:40 +0000 2020

I have iterated for several years this opinionated overview of participatory organization patterns, processes & tools, but it has both not quite really reached the level of a blog post, but it is also now longer than one. Ideas on what I should do with it? https://github.com/ParticipatoryOrgs/Participatory-Organizations-Overview-and-Taxonomy/blob/master/README.md

x-icon Tue Jan 07 21:38:10 +0000 2020

RT @MeeplesTogether: Our first case study for the new year discusses Dead Men Tell No Tales, a game that feels like it’s in the Pandemic-…

x-icon Tue Jan 07 21:57:01 +0000 2020

As we head in 2020 toward standards for encrypted data vaults (see overview https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot9-prague/blob/master/final-documents/encrypted-data-vaults.md)) I can’t help but think of efforts in 1991 to add cryptography to the Xanadu Club system. I found some old Xanadu docs on this & scanned them for posterity: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qeyywxr9vk45dwx/Xanadu%20Club%20System%20%28from%20Xanadu%20Spire%201.0%2004-1991%29.pdf?dl=0

x-icon Tue Jan 07 22:32:53 +0000 2020

In modern day cryptographic terms, each Xanadu document is like an encrypted git commit (a point in time of a collaborative document). The Read Club has the decryption key to read the data. The Write Club can collaborate to sign future revisions of document.

x-icon Tue Jan 07 22:36:55 +0000 2020

As I think about how the Club System might be implemented today, the Read Club would be architected something like Minilock, https://45678.github.io/miniLock-file-format/2.html with its list of public key “permits” that can be unlocked using a Diffie-Hellman secret between keys to reveal the decryption key.

x-icon Tue Jan 07 22:41:09 +0000 2020

The Write Club would be something like a Threshold Schnorr Musig, where in a MPC ceremony the participants of the old document could sign new commit to show that the revision was properly derived from a threshold of its original authors.

x-icon Tue Jan 07 22:43:19 +0000 2020

The rules for what is an acceptable signature for future revisions of a Club System document would be written in the previous revision using a #SmartSignature style construction, possibly like Bitcoin Script, or something simpler with basic AND/OR and threshold constructions.

x-icon Tue Jan 07 22:47:28 +0000 2020

Using Schnorr (or PBC) aggregation and adapter signatures and means that we can offer interesting atomic “scriptless script” capabilities — a payment accepted in Lightning could immediately allow for read access, or be used to get the right to be added to the Write Club.

x-icon Tue Jan 07 22:53:41 +0000 2020

Like the original Xanadu Club System, all Clubs themselves are Clubs. So you can have scriptless scripts that allow you to pay to read a Club, that then give you adapter signatures to write, where you request a threshold signature from members of another Club to give you access.

x-icon Tue Jan 07 22:59:08 +0000 2020

Careful use of aggregated signatures can be used to ensure privacy. For instance you can know that you were voted into access to a Club, but not by who.

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:03:22 +0000 2020

A particular thing I’d like to see in a Club System is to move away from cloud-based personal encrypted data stores, toward a more “fog”-like approach using content-addressible-hash based system like IPFS. The funds received by Clubs for access can be used to pay for persistence.

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:05:59 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: In modern day cryptographic terms, each Xanadu document is like an encrypted git commit (a point in time of a collaborati…

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:06:20 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: As I think about how the Club System might be implemented today, the Read Club would be architected something like Minilo…

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:06:26 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: The Write Club would be something like a Threshold Schnorr Musig, where in a MPC ceremony the participants of the old doc…

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:06:29 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: The rules for what is an acceptable signature for future revisions of a Club System document would be written in the prev…

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:06:32 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Using Schnorr (or PBC) aggregation and adapter signatures and means that we can offer interesting atomic “scriptless scri…

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:06:34 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Like the original Xanadu Club System, all Clubs themselves are Clubs. So you can have scriptless scripts that allow you t…

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:06:37 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Careful use of aggregated signatures can be used to ensure privacy. For instance you can know that you were voted into ac…

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:06:39 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: A particular thing I’d like to see in a Club System is to move away from cloud-based personal encrypted data stores, towa…

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:06:41 +0000 2020

As proof that these ideas are possible, here is a demo by @gugol using a Lightning native macaroon-based bearer API credential, offering a server assisted atomic swap capability, sybil resistance, application level DoS, and fine grained authentication: https://twitter.com/roasbeef/status/1190098624010522624

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:15:45 +0000 2020

Replying to @gugol

If you don’t know what macaroons are, they are a bearer cryptographic authorization credential. Here are some useful links: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/blob/master/docs/macaroons.md http://theory.stanford.edu/~ataly/Papers/macaroons.pdf These Macaroons use HMACs, but I propose that they could be constructed using aggregatable crypto as well.

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:21:17 +0000 2020

Replying to @gugol

I think there are also some ideas to draw from research at Signal for use for the next iteration Signal Private Groups: https://signal.org/blog/signal-private-group-system/

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:24:03 +0000 2020

If you don’t know what Scriptless Scripts are, here are two of my favorite links: https://joinmarket.me/blog/blog/flipping-the-scriptless-script-on-schnorr/ https://tlu.tarilabs.com/cryptography/scriptless-scripts/introduction-to-scriptless-scripts.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzoS0tPUAiQ&t=3h36m

x-icon Tue Jan 07 23:29:02 +0000 2020

A book that I recommend in my free #SmartCustody book on the power of checklists is “The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right” by Atul Gawande is now on sale in the Kindle ebook store for $3.99. If you care about reliability get it and read it! https://www.amazon.com/Checklist-Manifesto-How-Things-Right-ebook/dp/B0030V0PEW

x-icon Wed Jan 08 03:10:08 +0000 2020

“The volume and complexity of what we know has exceeded our individual ability to deliver its benefits correctly, safely, or reliably…Knowledge has both saved us and burdened us.”—Atul Gawande in “The Checklist Manifesto”

x-icon Wed Jan 08 03:13:07 +0000 2020

I know no other languages than English, but I’m fascinated by what I’ve learned about how forms of language & culture effect communication & thought. This article dissects the very interesting context behind the Persian expression “Death to America”. https://www.mypersiancorner.com/death-to-america-explained-other-persian-phrases-related-to-death/

x-icon Wed Jan 08 22:22:35 +0000 2020

We are ”experiencing a Cambrian Explosion in the field of cryptographic proofs (#zkp)…a couple of years ago there were about 1–3 new systems a year, the rate has picked up so much that today we are seeing this same amount monthly, if not weekly”—@eliben https://nakamoto.com/cambrian-explosion-of-crypto-proofs/

x-icon Wed Jan 08 22:39:00 +0000 2020

RT @AmberBaldet: Ralph Merkle (yes, that merkle) accepting the 2020 prize for Real World Cryptography, describing the several years it took…

x-icon Wed Jan 08 22:43:14 +0000 2020

RT @RealWorldCrypto: Congrats to Ralph Merkle on winning a 2020 Levchin Prize! Ralph’s citation reads, “For fundamental contributions to th…

x-icon Wed Jan 08 22:44:12 +0000 2020

Note that the correct author attribution is @EliBenSasson.

x-icon Fri Jan 10 01:34:35 +0000 2020

One of the more rewarding parts of working with @Appelcline on the book @MeeplesTogether were the more esoteric theories of cooperation in Chapter 10 & the mechanics to support them. In the last year we have had some evolution in our thoughts on the patterns of shared tasks… https://twitter.com/MeeplesTogether/status/1215428554365648899

x-icon Fri Jan 10 01:54:38 +0000 2020

RT @Appelcline: I hope that Christopher and I can put together a book on “collaborative choice” at some time in the future.

x-icon Fri Jan 10 06:56:42 +0000 2020

A lot in this post is specific to token-funded blockchain projects, but the general concept of progressive decentralization is applicable to most projects, including decentralized identity, the Lightning Network, and even the venerable Bitcoin. https://twitter.com/a16z/status/1215698435933908992

x-icon Fri Jan 10 21:27:19 +0000 2020

There is always something more we can do to decentralize, but perfection is the enemy of the good so some phases need to come later. Also, some rubrics for decentralization can actually break other rubrics. For instance in Bitcoin we largely depend on one codebase for consensus.

x-icon Fri Jan 10 21:30:31 +0000 2020

In recent bitcoin-dev list discussions, @TheBlueMatt recaps some soft-fork approaches & recommends 95% approval. Why not 99%? Why not some other super-majority like 2/3rds? A data point on the % consensus choices is this article on intransigent minorities: https://medium.com/incerto/the-most-intolerant-wins-the-dictatorship-of-the-small-minority-3f1f83ce4e15

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:03:11 +0000 2020

Remember, the problem with “majority” voting is that 50% is equal to 100% lack of consensus. A super-majority is better for the long term buy-in for decisions by a community, but what form of super-majority? Math (Paxos) shows us that 2/3rds+1 is one sweet spot. Are there others?

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:11:44 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Remember, the problem with “majority” voting is that 50% is equal to 100% lack of consensus. A super-majority is better f…

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:11:56 +0000 2020

I have reservations against community decisions by unanimous consent. It can work but requires a special culture. I find consensus -1 (i.e. 2 dissenters is required to block a proposal) is good for small groups (<~25-80 people). See my Spectrum of Consent: http://www.lifewithalacrity.com/2015/09/a-spectrum-of-consent.html

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:18:41 +0000 2020

For larger groups, the easier it is for intractable minorities and other adversarial opportunities to cause problems. I’m not quite sure 95% is quite the optimal solution — personally I think low 90s % or high 80s % is sufficient. There may be some math possible to identify it.

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:22:12 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: I have reservations against community decisions by unanimous consent. It can work but requires a special culture. I find…

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:23:49 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: For larger groups, the easier it is for intractable minorities and other adversarial opportunities to cause problems. I’m…

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:23:52 +0000 2020

Collective choice has other weird non-intuitive spots in it — there are a number of interesting unsolved problems & paradoxes. For instance see “Arrow’s Impossibility Theorem” where you can’t create a “fair” ranked or cardinal voting system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrow’s_impossibility_theorem

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:34:01 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Collective choice has other weird non-intuitive spots in it — there are a number of interesting unsolved problems & parad…

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:34:08 +0000 2020

Resistance to various adversaries is also a challenge for collective choice. Everything from forms of coercion, censorship, misinformation, collusive vote trading, gerrymandering, etc. All of these get worse the larger the number of parties are involved in making the choice.

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:53:11 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Resistance to various adversaries is also a challenge for collective choice. Everything from forms of coercion, censorshi…

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:53:16 +0000 2020

I have a number of older posts on collective choice in my blog, but I feel they only scratch the surface of a large multi-disciplinary topic. http://www.lifewithalacrity.com/tags/collective-choice/ My recent book @MeeplesTogether also touches on some related topics in Chapter 10. But more exploration is needed.

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:59:03 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: I have a number of older posts on collective choice in my blog, but I feel they only scratch the surface of a large multi…

x-icon Sat Jan 11 08:59:13 +0000 2020

But back to the choice of 95% for future Bitcoin soft forks, it isn’t a bad choice. A good system needs to be tolerant to minorities, but not too tolerant, and studies show that intransigent minority effects often require 3-5%. Thus I personally might lean toward 90% or 92%.

x-icon Sat Jan 11 09:14:11 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: But back to the choice of 95% for future Bitcoin soft forks, it isn’t a bad choice. A good system needs to be tolerant to…

x-icon Sat Jan 11 09:14:16 +0000 2020

RT @MarkFriedenbach: @ChristopherA The math is unique to Nakamoto consensus: with a 80% threshold a 51% attack could force activation, then…

x-icon Sat Jan 11 19:42:14 +0000 2020

RT @coindesk: IN DEPTH: Bitcoin may be behind the internet’s timeline in terms of commercial use cases, but it has already achieved compara…

x-icon Sat Jan 11 19:51:24 +0000 2020

RT @La__Cuen: “There’s going to be a lot of challenges along the way, and harm. I’d like to mitigate the harm as much as possible.” - @Chri…

x-icon Sat Jan 11 19:51:35 +0000 2020

Replying to @timelessdev, @dantley and @vijaya

In the BTCR DID method you spend (or burn) the UTXO to revoke the DID, which is broadcast by the P2P network and confirmed on the blockchain. However, this doesn’t scale as BTCR is intended for narrow purpose. Many other DID methods do more scalable revocation but not as private.

x-icon Mon Jan 13 17:50:42 +0000 2020

#aadhaar “My life has become hell. I receive at least two or three authentication-failure emails a day, apart from several anonymous calls and messages, which indicate that people are trying to use my Aadhaar somewhere.” https://mumbaimirror.indiatimes.com/mumbai/cover-story/man-endures-living-hell-as-aadhaar-card-is-put-online/articleshow/73038561.cms

x-icon Wed Jan 15 05:28:43 +0000 2020

Replying to @socrates1024, @sanket1729, @ZhangYe46023266, @GDanezis and @relgabizon

I know the purpose is simplicity for education, but is there a useful use case for a BabySNARK?

x-icon Fri Jan 17 18:25:02 +0000 2020

Quite interesting: “tools and techniques required for doing deep learning on secret/private data/models without centralizing them under one authority.” https://twitter.com/iamtrask/status/1218122947354943489

x-icon Fri Jan 17 18:27:49 +0000 2020

LSATs are a bearer authorization token in an macaroon-style ocap architecture. I would really like to see these compared side-by-side against zcaps, which is one proposals in the W3C for ocap authentication, currently being demoed for use with encrypted personal data vaults. https://twitter.com/BuckPerley/status/1219365386145206273

x-icon Tue Jan 21 00:55:27 +0000 2020

Any chance we can get the #LSAT #zcap #ocap people together at #RWOT10 in Buenos Aires March 16-20th? @Tierion @digitalbazaar @agoric @manusporny @marksammiller @DeanTribble @Snyke @dustyweb @BuckPerley @JoeAndrieu @roasbeef @rusty_twit https://rwot10.eventbrite.com

x-icon Tue Jan 21 01:06:44 +0000 2020

This encrypted data vaults demo is is leveraging an ocap (capabilities-based) approach called zcap: https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/encrypted-data-vaults-c794055b170e blog https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/encrypted-data-vaults-c794055b170e video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zNe_KsdszI some specs & code

x-icon Tue Jan 21 01:11:51 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Any chance we can get the #LSAT #zcap #ocap people together at #RWOT10 in Buenos Aires March 16-20th? @Tierion @digitalba…

x-icon Tue Jan 21 01:11:55 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: This encrypted data vaults demo is is leveraging an ocap (capabilities-based) approach called zcap: https://t.co/vlM21T…

x-icon Tue Jan 21 01:11:59 +0000 2020

Our free #SmartCustody PDF book on “the care, maintenance, control, and protection of digital assets” is what you need to read to ensure that you don’t lose your Bitcoin, your Ether, or your self-sovereign identity. Available from @BlockchainComns at http://bit.ly/SmartCustodyBookV101 https://twitter.com/PeterSchiff/status/1218911797626847234

x-icon Tue Jan 21 01:15:07 +0000 2020

Tomorrow’s W3C Credentials CG meeting topic is on the encrypted data vault proposal and demo. The meeting is open-to-the-public at 12 noon ET, 9am PT: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2020Jan/0090.html We’d love to have the teams doing LSATs to speak at future meetings.

x-icon Tue Jan 21 01:27:00 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Tomorrow’s W3C Credentials CG meeting topic is on the encrypted data vault proposal and demo. The meeting is open-to-the-…

x-icon Tue Jan 21 01:27:09 +0000 2020

I’m in Amsterdam this week and next, talking about self-sovereign identity, privacy, GDPR, identity wallet architecture, personal encrypted data vaults, social key recovery, #SmartCustody, BTCR (bitcoin based DIDs) and more. If you are local let me know if you would like to meet.

x-icon Tue Jan 21 15:52:03 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: I’m in Amsterdam this week and next, talking about self-sovereign identity, privacy, GDPR, identity wallet architecture,…

x-icon Wed Jan 22 07:24:47 +0000 2020

RT @trbouma: “Although unimodal biometric systems provide a good security layer, security measures are often found to be susceptible to fra…

x-icon Thu Jan 23 14:09:05 +0000 2020

Prediction: “Selfie biometric data will be the new dark web money maker. There’s already a vibrant dark web trade in personalized biometric data, and that will continue to grow in 2020.” https://www.biocatch.com/blog/cybercrime-fraud-trends-2020-predictions

x-icon Thu Jan 23 14:13:59 +0000 2020

RT @trbouma: I wrote this over a year ago, and yeah, I think it applies even more today. #LessID #SSI #GoodID #BetterID

“Less Identity” by…

x-icon Thu Jan 23 23:11:26 +0000 2020

RT @sunnya97: Shitty Life Pro Tips:

Sometimes the 280 character limit on tweets is just not enough to get out your thoughts. (How did any…

x-icon Thu Jan 23 23:23:59 +0000 2020

One of the better analyses of the state of secure voting systems for use by governments (as opposed to more casual digital voting for small groups). https://twitter.com/AlexandraBerke/status/1220108743406276608

x-icon Fri Jan 24 09:01:08 +0000 2020

As we discuss LESS (legally enabled self-sovereign identity) in the next two weeks while I’m talking to government & city officials in the Netherlands, I’d like to make some progress on this problem of legal identity and personal data as property (common in USA) vs human right. https://twitter.com/ChristopherA/status/1044030238114537473

x-icon Fri Jan 24 09:28:24 +0000 2020

The bicycle culture here in Amsterdam is quite amazing, especially when compared to the USA. Almost every street has has a two-way bicycle lane. Even in the middle of the winter everybody bicycles. No helmets, typically with cell phone in hand, often kids in tow.

x-icon Fri Jan 24 12:59:41 +0000 2020

RT @GiffordPinchot: More than ten years ago @ChristopherA told me the business model of the internet changed from advertising too surveilla…

x-icon Sat Jan 25 06:25:41 +0000 2020

Planning in advance to include possible sidetracks & alternative approaches is a design pattern that applies not only to extended storytelling, but also game design, project management, entrepreneurship, etc. It applies to any long term goal that is longer than a year or two. https://twitter.com/straczynski/status/1220980128139767810

x-icon Sat Jan 25 12:30:21 +0000 2020

RT @ElkimXOC: @timelessdev @GiffordPinchot @ChristopherA https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/JosephKim/20140323/213728/The_Compulsion_Loop_Explained.php

x-icon Sat Jan 25 14:34:08 +0000 2020

The crowd today at the Weirtheimpark Auschwitz Monument in Amsterdam for Holocaust Remembrance Day, set on the day of liberation of the Nazi death camp. Prayers, speeches, somber musical performances & laying of flowers during a brief sunny break from the winter gloom.

x-icon Sun Jan 26 11:10:14 +0000 2020

After several days of winter cold & gloom, the break of sun and the sounds of birds during the moment of silence for the victims of the Holocaust was quite moving.

x-icon Sun Jan 26 11:16:59 +0000 2020

The line to lay flowers on the broken mirror monument was at least an hour long, starting with a few remaining survivors and their family members.

x-icon Sun Jan 26 11:18:08 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: After several days of winter cold & gloom, the break of sun and the sounds of birds during the moment of silence for the…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 11:18:31 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: The line to lay flowers on the broken mirror monument was at least an hour long, starting with a few remaining survivors…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 11:18:33 +0000 2020

I was asked what did I mean by LESS (Legally Enabled Self Sovereign Identity)? SSI has a tension between those implementing it for so-called “trustless” (really trust minimized) uses, such as anonymity, censorship resistance & human rights vs nation state actors…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 11:37:35 +0000 2020

…and those implementing it in higher trust environments with real-world identity verification, trust frameworks, privacy with accountability and government acceptance. LESS (coined by @trbouma https://medium.com/@trbouma/less-identity-65f65d87f56b?_branch_match_id=749035247781551562)) is the best acronym I’ve seen for it. Both are important.

x-icon Sun Jan 26 11:42:58 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: I was asked what did I mean by LESS (Legally Enabled Self Sovereign Identity)? SSI has a tension between those implementi…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 11:43:13 +0000 2020

Had lunch with a child of two Auschwitz survivors. Apparently I was witness to some history with Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte apologizing for the Dutch government for the first time for not doing more for the Jews before and after the occupation. Looking for translation.

x-icon Sun Jan 26 12:12:54 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Had lunch with a child of two Auschwitz survivors. Apparently I was witness to some history with Netherlands Prime Minist…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 12:13:00 +0000 2020

Can someone who knows Dutch help me find a translation of Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s apology at the Holocaust Remembrance today? I’m also seeking the address of the civil service archives that the Dutch resistance tried to burn before the Nazi’s hauled them away.

x-icon Sun Jan 26 12:20:07 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Can someone who knows Dutch help me find a translation of Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s apology at the Holocaus…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 12:20:12 +0000 2020

Remember, more Jews as a percentage of population died in Holland than in Germany, France and other countries. Part of this is because the Nazis took over all civil administration. They had the data. https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/go-in-depth/netherlands-greatest-number-jewish-victims-western-europe/

x-icon Sun Jan 26 12:34:10 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Remember, more Jews as a percentage of population died in Holland than in Germany, France and other countries. Part of th…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 12:34:17 +0000 2020

My post-Holocaust memorial lunch companion’s mother was rounded up using this data in a razzia after protests & strikes by sympathetic Dutch citizens. His father fled and was hidden by resisters in Utrecht but was ultimately betrayed.

x-icon Sun Jan 26 12:41:35 +0000 2020

This kind of living history is why Dutch citizens & Netherlands government are so supportive of the human-rights privacy and I believe part of the reason why Self-Sovereign Identity is on the agenda here before many other countries. But Remembance is still needed 75 years later.

x-icon Sun Jan 26 13:28:35 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: This kind of living history is why Dutch citizens & Netherlands government are so supportive of the human-rights privacy…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 13:28:40 +0000 2020

Here are details on the attempt by the Dutch resistance to destroy the civil archives on 28 March 1943. Unfortunately only 15% of the records were destroyed. These archives were used by the Nazis to check forged identity cards without the J on them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1943_bombing_of_the_Amsterdam_civil_registry_office

x-icon Sun Jan 26 16:34:03 +0000 2020

“Resistance members soon started to forge identification cards at a large scale…However, forged documents could be easily detected because they could be compared against the records in the civil registries…”

x-icon Sun Jan 26 16:36:13 +0000 2020

“…Some civil servants were willing to falsify records in the civil registry so that they would match up with forged identification cards. Nevertheless, the civil registries remained a potent weapon in the hands of the Nazis to identify…the population who were Jewish”

x-icon Sun Jan 26 16:37:31 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Here are details on the attempt by the Dutch resistance to destroy the civil archives on 28 March 1943. Unfortunately onl…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 16:37:37 +0000 2020

This is why I’m an advocate for both forms of SSI, the more anonymous track against powerful actors such as nation states, multi-national corporatations & mafias, as well the LESS (Legally Enabled Self Sovereign) track that seeks government support. https://twitter.com/christophera/status/1221396761316483073?s=21 https://twitter.com/ChristopherA/status/1221396761316483073

x-icon Sun Jan 26 16:47:56 +0000 2020

Relevant to this thread: “Where are the false identification cards and fake baptismal certificates in a world of immutable records? How can honest to goodness hero fake an ID in a world where IDs can’t be faked?“ by @quickblocks https://medium.com/@tjayrush/be-careful-little-brain-what-you-code-6ad4d5fb9d9b

x-icon Sun Jan 26 16:50:32 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: “Resistance members soon started to forge identification cards at a large scale…However, forged documents could be easily…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 16:50:47 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: “…Some civil servants were willing to falsify records in the civil registry so that they would match up with forged ident…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 16:50:49 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: This is why I’m an advocate for both forms of SSI, the more anonymous track against powerful actors such as nation states…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 16:50:52 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Relevant to this thread: “Where are the false identification cards and fake baptismal certificates in a world of immutabl…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 16:50:55 +0000 2020

Here is the full news item about the history-making apology from the Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte during today’s Holocaust Memorial that I attended. “When authority became a threat, our government agencies failed as guardians of law and security.” https://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2020/01/on-holocaust-memorial-day-dutch-pm-apologises-for-government-role-during-wwii/

x-icon Sun Jan 26 17:54:30 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Here is the full news item about the history-making apology from the Netherlands Prime Minister Mark Rutte during today’s…

x-icon Sun Jan 26 17:54:36 +0000 2020

Spent the evening at the monthly #Amsterdice tabletop board game event in Amsterdam. Really enjoyed meeting game designer Lee D’Arcy @everydoglee who also won tonight the “Amsterdice Family Game of the Year for 2019” award.

x-icon Sun Jan 26 18:17:54 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: The crowd today at the Weirtheimpark Auschwitz Monument in Amsterdam for Holocaust Remembrance Day, set on the day of lib…

x-icon Mon Jan 27 11:06:20 +0000 2020

Replying to @hackylawyER, @drummondreed, @BCcoalitionNL and @TNO_Research

You are missing some the context. Here is the complete set of slides. And I do prominently point out your work and appreciate your advocacy :-) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BbkBX-tUgifiS_VKcqCZYRTQAGF5pK-JEYQwmHYbMcI

x-icon Mon Jan 27 21:24:12 +0000 2020

Replying to @bkaptijn, @hackylawyER and @discipl_org

Here is the full slide deck with missing context. I would not say we are even comfortable with word “control” but we have not found any consensus on an alternative. But we are beginning to avoid “own”. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BbkBX-tUgifiS_VKcqCZYRTQAGF5pK-JEYQwmHYbMcI

x-icon Mon Jan 27 22:49:31 +0000 2020

Replying to @hackylawyER, @drummondreed, @bkaptijn and @discipl_org

That certainly was not my intent. I appreciate your leadership in this area and if there are some better quotes or more effective ways to communicate this tension between the two modalities in these slides I welcome them. The point of the presentation is there are bleeding edges.

x-icon Tue Jan 28 08:01:45 +0000 2020

RT @EFF: The solution to the Clearview problem is clear: comprehensive federal privacy legislation that gives consumers real power over the…

x-icon Tue Jan 28 08:16:07 +0000 2020

Good thread on the issue of best ways under law to handle the challenges of biometric data. I’d love to be able say that cryptographic technologies could address this problem but ultimately I think it can only be addressed by law & policy. https://twitter.com/jevanhutson/status/1221825689860505602

x-icon Tue Jan 28 08:58:12 +0000 2020

I had 137 different companies sending browser history to Facebook and I barely use it. It is easy to delete access so do so, though I believe it should not be necessary — they never should have sent this information to Facebook without explicit consent (no single click consent!). https://twitter.com/alexstamos/status/1222193209549324288

x-icon Tue Jan 28 16:33:34 +0000 2020

Here is the video from my talk yesterday on where some of the bleeding edges of our current work on self-sovereign identity #SSI are. This not an intro, but a deeper dive into issues we are, or need to, discuss. Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1BbkBX-tUgifiS_VKcqCZYRTQAGF5pK-JEYQwmHYbMcI Video:

x-icon Tue Jan 28 21:26:27 +0000 2020

If you want my video that is more of an introduction to self-sovereign identity #SSI here is the video of my presentation at the Zurich Blockchain Meetup. Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/15M0tdSS1dRMVdJdVgBlFap8JwiuFdvocZ0AAu7c1eBk Video: https://youtu.be/2g6KSv1aeuI

x-icon Tue Jan 28 21:32:07 +0000 2020

Replying to @drummondreed, @ridde013, @BCcoalitionNL and @TNO_Research

https://twitter.com/christophera/status/1222269732751126529?s=21 https://twitter.com/ChristopherA/status/1222269732751126529

x-icon Wed Jan 29 05:57:57 +0000 2020

Excellent article on federated identity in Australia vs self-sovereign identity: “Self-sovereign systems offer the same functions and capabilities as the DTA’s federated system. And they do so without funnelling users through government-controlled Identity Providers.” https://twitter.com/RuffTimo/status/1222218875292438528

x-icon Wed Jan 29 07:16:46 +0000 2020

“Self-Sovereign Identity: Why Are We Here” is my presentation on how what happened in the Netherlands in WWII where civil administration data was used to kill 75% of all Jewish residents, more than in other countries & how that applies what we build today. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Rtx30fB-U8MStlMrDIc-FneCrr8mel421YNbAdofDwM/edit?usp=sharing

x-icon Wed Jan 29 10:16:04 +0000 2020

Replying to @ACTobin and @Gartner_inc

Any great quotes? A comp copy? I’m an independent “not-for-profit” blockchain and decentralized identity architect, author of the Principles of Self-Sovereign Identity, co-inventor of the DID, co-chair W3C Credentials CG, and founder of the #RebootingWebTrust community.

x-icon Wed Jan 29 11:21:42 +0000 2020

Replying to @ACTobin and @Gartner_inc

And if @Gartner_inc is serious about decentralized identity, they should sponsor and participate in the next #RebootingWebOfTrust design workshop #RWOT10 in Buenos Aires March 16th-20th. This is where all of this decentralized identity tech was incubated. https://rwot10.eventbrite.com

x-icon Wed Jan 29 11:25:42 +0000 2020

RT @FryRsquared: Last week, the lovely folk at National Grid showed me around their amazing underground tunnels.

Lots of pics of the trip…

x-icon Wed Jan 29 11:29:32 +0000 2020

I’m also not quite comfortable calling parallel confirmation of the execution of general purpose program a #SmartContract. Chain code? I’d prefer to work on more constrained cryptographic (vs computational) approaches like #SmartSignatures. https://twitter.com/evan_van_ness/status/1222268089431097345

x-icon Wed Jan 29 11:39:32 +0000 2020

Passing comment by @peacekeeper at the W3C DID WG F2F today, a concept that is making me think 🤔: “Semantic Self-Sovereignty”. I think that is “bad”. Do I mean that this is “wrong”, or “cool”? Someone should be able to express appropriately to their context and not be censored.

x-icon Wed Jan 29 13:59:47 +0000 2020

RT @agropper: @LeahHoustonMD @ChristopherA @physiciansguide @dwramzimdmph @AtlasMD @NeuCare @Ptdirectcare @sparkMDdirect @RHealthMD @philsq…

x-icon Wed Jan 29 14:00:37 +0000 2020

RT @iang_fc: @ChristopherA The strong tradition in Post-WW2 Netherlands for privacy was one of the reasons why David Chaum worked there at…

x-icon Wed Jan 29 14:01:02 +0000 2020

RT @Sheldrake: An important reminder of the catastrophic failings of past #identity architectures.

And of the imperative to approach futur…

x-icon Wed Jan 29 14:02:13 +0000 2020

RT @szpak: The challenge for self-sovereign identity is to be truly independent of nation states, and to, in effect, support global citizen…

x-icon Wed Jan 29 14:14:08 +0000 2020

Replying to @lykle and @stefvanderziel


x-icon Wed Jan 29 15:00:28 +0000 2020

Exercise from 1995 where I was to predict what I’d be working on in 2005. I didn’t quite believe that it was possible by then, so I crossed out 2005 and changed to 2015 “Dynamic Trust: People, computer agents that I can delegate trust to & from.” Almost there with #SSI DID stack!

x-icon Wed Jan 29 22:32:00 +0000 2020

Here is the same video but with fixes for the section with the broken audio problem. Share and bookmark this version of “Self-Sovereign Identity: The Bleeding Edges” instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlDSMRb_X-s

x-icon Wed Jan 29 22:35:10 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Here is the same video but with fixes for the section with the broken audio problem. Share and bookmark this version of “…

x-icon Wed Jan 29 22:35:31 +0000 2020

A question for those that can speak Dutch, I’m updating this presentation. I’ve heard that one thing that contributed to so many deaths during the Holocaust was also that the records were more centralized — all in one building. Making it easy for the Nazis to capture. True? …

x-icon Thu Jan 30 06:50:13 +0000 2020

… And that after the war that the returning Netherlands government made sure that all further records were widely distributed. Is this also true? Were the bombed civil archives only for Amsterdam or for all Netherlands? Any URLs (Dutch is ok as I’ll use Google Translate). …

x-icon Thu Jan 30 06:53:01 +0000 2020

…Other facts I’m seeking to confirm:

• in the original invasion, I was told that the civil arches were one of the first targets

• that at some point that the archives were hauled off to Germany

• any data on other Dutch“undesirables” deported? Homosexuals, Slavs, Gypsies?

x-icon Thu Jan 30 06:54:24 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: A question for those that can speak Dutch, I’m updating this presentation. I’ve heard that one thing that contributed to…

x-icon Thu Jan 30 06:54:31 +0000 2020

I miss Radiant Walls in small group meetings. Group collaboration using a projector just isn’t the same, in particular the ability to deal with larger more complex issues, or to keep context & history. I had one in the old Consensus Development offices (now the @dailykos offices)

x-icon Thu Jan 30 10:26:08 +0000 2020

That Radiant Wall was the last version of a design by colleague and friend @MattTaylor but I don’t believe it is available anymore. Has anyone seen anything like it from elsewhere?

x-icon Thu Jan 30 10:30:03 +0000 2020

Replying to @SailingDigital

I’m not completely sure I understand your statement. Could you rephrase?

x-icon Thu Jan 30 11:11:42 +0000 2020

Other interesting details: “Before Arondéus was shot together with eleven other convicts on July 1, 1943, a friend (Lau Mazirel) came to visit him in prison. He asked her to let the outside world know “that gays should not be less brave than other people” https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=https://www.verzetsmuseum.org/museum/nl/tweede-wereldoorlog/begrippenlijst/achtergrond,aanslag/amsterdamse_bevolkingsregister&xid=17259,1500004,15700021,15700186,15700190,15700256,15700259,15700262,15700265,15700271&usg=ALkJrhjeinnEwS-ReP3ewOgV0kHHONFMAA

x-icon Thu Jan 30 12:21:12 +0000 2020

Replying to @davewiner and @MattTaylor

Very wide, tall, erasable white walls with magnetic surface, slightly curved. Great for small group collaboration. It was named after the radiant walls used by the psychohistorians in Isaac Asimov’s Foundation Trilogy.

x-icon Thu Jan 30 12:24:18 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Other interesting details: “Before Arondéus was shot together with eleven other convicts on July 1, 1943, a friend (Lau M…

x-icon Thu Jan 30 12:32:47 +0000 2020

Another treasure-house of history of identity cards and civil archives in the Netherlands before the Holocaust courtesy a Dutch follower & Google Translate: https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u [http://www.persoonsbewijzen.nl/passie/sites/index.php%3Fmid%3D226952%26kid%3D4302%26pagina%3Dtekstpagina&xid=17259](https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&nv=1&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=auto&sp=nmt4&tl=en&u=http://www.persoonsbewijzen.nl/passie/sites/index.php%3Fmid%3D226952%26kid%3D4302%26pagina%3Dtekstpagina&xid=17259),1500004,15700021,15700186,15700190,15700256,15700259,15700262,15700265,15700271&usg=ALkJrhiyRuZl8WTtwSEP3Sc-hsJysl4Hmw

x-icon Thu Jan 30 12:36:18 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Another treasure-house of history of identity cards and civil archives in the Netherlands before the Holocaust courtesy a…

x-icon Thu Jan 30 12:43:30 +0000 2020

RT @trbouma: @ChristopherA My Dad’s ID card, issued under occupation in the Netherlands when he turned 16. He is looking none-too-happy, be…

x-icon Thu Jan 30 12:45:44 +0000 2020

Replying to @trbouma

So how much does this family history (living memory?) influence why you are in the industry today, and your actions since? Do you share it very often?

x-icon Thu Jan 30 12:51:03 +0000 2020

Replying to @davewiner and @MattTaylor

You can use multiple white walls together, but both the unbroken lines (like no bezels on multiple monitors), the curve that hints for people to move into a circle, that multiple people can work on wall at same time, and even a sweet spot that you could stand in to amplify voice.

x-icon Thu Jan 30 12:58:33 +0000 2020

Replying to @Aryl_Ether and @ickbat

I suspect that @lackingceremony would say that Monster Hearts was inspired by BtVS. It is a credit to Joss Whedon that today you might think that Buffy and her friends are not marginalized.

x-icon Thu Jan 30 13:20:20 +0000 2020

I could not actually see the Auschwitz Monument when I was here last Sunday, so I came back. The broken mirror in the ground represents not only the broken lives of the Holocaust, but also looking in and seeing your face shows it could have been you.

x-icon Thu Jan 30 13:57:52 +0000 2020

The stones are from the Ashkenazi Jewish tradition to not use flowers as these must die to be be part of a the memorial observance.

x-icon Thu Jan 30 14:01:51 +0000 2020

If you care about the Tabletop Role Playing Games, here is a report on the changes in the industry over 2019, written by the de facto historian for the #TTRPG industry Shannon @Appelcline. https://twitter.com/Appelcline/status/1222948137569943552

x-icon Thu Jan 30 19:20:26 +0000 2020

End of a great week collaborating as part of the W3C Decentralized Identity Working Group #W3CDIDWG. We made great progress resolving a number of difficult issues emerging as the community grows. Thank you everyone for your cheerful promptitude and spirit of cooperation!

x-icon Fri Jan 31 17:12:32 +0000 2020

I really like this Tao koan-like thread “Teacher, what is a game?”. Reminds me of some Tao koans that @Appelcline writes up in his blog. The last one was http://www.mechanics-and-meeples.com/2017/11/27/the-tao-of-board-gaming-vii/ which links to the others. https://twitter.com/bigstuffedcat/status/1223102063904575489

x-icon Fri Jan 31 18:19:08 +0000 2020

My favorite “Tao of Boardgaming Koan” by @Appelcline is #VI “The Buddhist Nature of Gaming”, directly applicable to @bigstuffedcat’s koan:

A student asked the Buddha, “What is the nature of gaming?”

The Buddha replied …

x-icon Fri Jan 31 18:37:55 +0000 2020

“All games are impermanent. They come into being when the players breathe into them, and when the gaming ends, the life of the game is gone too. Yet this does not change their existence while the gamers sit at the table.”…

x-icon Fri Jan 31 18:38:34 +0000 2020

…“All games are based on suffering. Except perhaps when playing the fabled two-player games, or when playing with children, we are more likely to lose than to win.”…

x-icon Fri Jan 31 18:39:31 +0000 2020

…”Yet, we can enjoy a game still by emptying ourselves of expectations of victory, by leaving behind the fear of loss, and by enjoying the experience for what it is.”…

x-icon Fri Jan 31 18:40:07 +0000 2020

…”All games are built on the wheel of karma. If we take unkind advantage of our opponents, than our opponents are more likely to take unkind advantage of us, perhaps in this game, or perhaps in another one that comes after.”…

x-icon Fri Jan 31 18:40:49 +0000 2020

…”That is the nature of gaming: impermanence, suffering, and karmic response.”

“But,” said the student, “That sounds like the Buddhist nature of life. How do they differ?”…

x-icon Fri Jan 31 18:41:27 +0000 2020

…“Games have better components,” the Buddha replied. “Especially those with really cute meeples and those published by Fantasy Flight.”

All agreed that it was so.


x-icon Fri Jan 31 18:42:13 +0000 2020

Replying to @bigstuffedcat

https://twitter.com/christophera/status/1223309756120600576?s=21 https://twitter.com/ChristopherA/status/1223309756120600576

x-icon Fri Jan 31 18:42:58 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: My favorite “Tao of Boardgaming Koan” by @Appelcline is #VI “The Buddhist Nature of Gaming”, directly applicable to @bigs…

x-icon Fri Jan 31 18:44:18 +0000 2020

RT @MeeplesTogether: Our newest case study covers another foundational team game, and one of the most recent in that category: The Resistan…

x-icon Fri Jan 31 18:45:35 +0000 2020

This article also does a great job introducing and defining concepts of deidentification, reidentification, anonymous data, pseudo-anonymizes data, identifiers, quasi-identifiers, sensitive attributes, disassociation & separates identity vs attribute vs membership disclosure.👍 https://twitter.com/kimdhamilton/status/1223075016696184833

x-icon Fri Jan 31 18:57:17 +0000 2020

I’m not going to buy an electric unicycle, but this vlogger has some poignant observations about the consequences of mobility changes to the design of urban areas, the power of immersion & presence in transportation, and the utility of physical affordances https://youtu.be/47qSXU4i9kA

x-icon Fri Jan 31 19:32:11 +0000 2020

The #SmartCustody Team has long agreed with the recommendation in this Trezor Wallet Flaw post that “Do not allow anyone physical access to your Trezor wallet” but diasagree
“Enable Your BIP39 Passphrase with the Trezor Client”. We don’t recommend this. https://blog.kraken.com/post/3662/kraken-identifies-critical-flaw-in-trezor-hardware-wallets/

x-icon Fri Jan 31 21:04:35 +0000 2020

Our research shows significant losses by Bitcoin holders loosing or making a mistake using a BIP38 passphrase. You are just moving the problem of storing the secret, not fixing it, and there is no error detection when mistyping a BIP38 word. Free book at: http://smartcustody.btcpay.blockchaincommons.com/

x-icon Fri Jan 31 21:11:18 +0000 2020

Replying to @MadSatter

https://twitter.com/christophera/status/1223353081661919232?s=21 https://twitter.com/ChristopherA/status/1223353081661919232

x-icon Fri Jan 31 21:11:59 +0000 2020

From Chapter 2: Cold Storage Self Custody Scenario “[^3]:We were forced to make a decision between two major hardware wallets: the Ledger and the Trezor. Both are good, mature solutions with well-reviewed code and solid ecosystems.…

x-icon Fri Jan 31 21:20:50 +0000 2020

…We ultimately selected the Ledger because it stores its private keys on a cryptographic chip. Since we advocate keeping a hardware wallet in a less-secure home safe, this was a requirement, as it offsets the adversary of Casual Physical Theft. …

x-icon Fri Jan 31 21:21:27 +0000 2020

…There are disadvantages to the Ledger as well: its cryptographic chip is proprietary, thus unlike the Trezor all of its code isn’t open source. Thus, our understanding of its security is ultimately somewhat limited.…

x-icon Fri Jan 31 21:22:05 +0000 2020

…If another hardware wallet were to appear with an open cryptographic private-key store and open-source code, we would recommend that instead.…

x-icon Fri Jan 31 21:22:31 +0000 2020

…In the current market, however, we believe that the Ledger device is the best for this scenario. You may substitute a Trezor for this scenario as the tradeoffs are somewhat subjective.”

x-icon Fri Jan 31 21:23:19 +0000 2020

“[^10]:Though not supported by Ledger Live today, some other wallet software allows the encryption of the Recovery Phrase with an additional password using BIP38. We recommend in this base scenario AGAINST encrypting the Recovery Phrase. …

x-icon Fri Jan 31 21:24:28 +0000 2020

The loss of a password in an encrypted Recovery Phrase is one of THE most common reasons for bitcoin loss. In this procedure the Recovery Phrase is unencrypted in the most secure location and is thus available as last resort.”

x-icon Fri Jan 31 21:24:42 +0000 2020

If you are going to use BIP38 passphrase, include it on your titanium cold key along with your recovery words. Pre-test with small transactions, and triple check each use — unlike the first 12 or 24 words there is no validity check for errors in mistyping the 13th or 25th word.

x-icon Fri Jan 31 21:34:08 +0000 2020

Replying to @BrianLockhart and @COLDCARDwallet

Four issues TBD. We don’t have the CardCard v3 yet to review. Like Ledger, it isn’t completely open, it uses a proprietary chip to secure the key. Right now it is harder to use, but nice to have option to not use desktop app like Ledger. It’s strength is multisig, the real future

x-icon Fri Jan 31 21:40:30 +0000 2020
