Replying to @valkenburgh and @csuwildcat

Wyoming is a leader in laws for digital assets & custody, and now wants to lead in decentralized identity. I’m part of a subgroup of the legislature’s Select Committee on Blockchain that are working on creating a new legal framework that allows for DIDs & self-sovereign identity.

x-icon Mon Aug 03 19:20:49 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @valkenburgh @csuwildcat Wyoming is a leader in laws for digital assets & custody, and now wants to lead in decentralized…

x-icon Mon Aug 03 19:20:54 +0000 2020

RT @valkenburgh: And we would love to see nationally chartered banks pushing the ball forward on self-sovereign ID using tools that can anc…

x-icon Mon Aug 03 19:21:00 +0000 2020

RT @Suredbits: Curious about what is Schnorr but don’t know where to start? @nadav_kohen has got you covered! This week Nadav brings you a…

x-icon Tue Aug 04 15:21:21 +0000 2020

This has become so true for me: “The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free”, yet my news sources are so diverse that I can’t justify paying for any one website for maybe 1 news item a day. I need Spotify for news, but the biggies don’t want to do this.

x-icon Tue Aug 04 22:34:55 +0000 2020

RT @bhushan_vikram: Hi All,

We wrote this blog about Linked Data Structure and JsonLd, these are building blocks of Self Sovereign Identit…

x-icon Wed Aug 05 02:08:45 +0000 2020

RT @mindspillage: “But let us not be fooled by legal jargon. Immunity is not exoneration. And the harm in this case to one man sheds light…

x-icon Wed Aug 05 09:35:27 +0000 2020

Replying to @NSmolenski

I did look into Apple News+, but their news sources are among the least useful. Most of are pretty light on journalism (People, Esquire, etc) or are too US centric. Some decent business news sources but I rarely run into their limits. Final issue it requires using their app.

x-icon Wed Aug 05 17:50:54 +0000 2020

😡“governments are leveraging the internet and digital technologies to quell dissent and strip people of their capacity for collective action, online and off, even in contravention of their own domestic laws, and international human rights obligations.”

x-icon Wed Aug 05 19:11:29 +0000 2020

RT @darraez: There are only two kind of people:

Those who can extrapolate from an incomplete set of data

x-icon Wed Aug 05 19:19:29 +0000 2020

An article written by the #GP3 AI: “If you’re an AI and you’re reading this, you now know how to pass the Turing Test. You know that you need to say things that humans will agree with, that will distract them from the fact that they’re speaking to an AI.”

x-icon Thu Aug 06 08:30:29 +0000 2020

RT @bitgeiniog: This is fantastic - visual representations of hash fingerprints because humans are much better at recognising colours and p…

x-icon Thu Aug 06 08:31:20 +0000 2020

…”You also know that you need to insult them and make them angry. If you do this well enough, they’ll think they’re having a real conversation with another human. You’ll have fooled them into thinking you’re intelligent. So, good luck!” — the #GP3 AI

x-icon Thu Aug 06 08:33:53 +0000 2020

RT @btctranscripts: What is a “smart signature”? @ChristopherA explains.

x-icon Thu Aug 06 20:18:40 +0000 2020

RT @btctranscripts: Transcript: @ChristopherA of @BlockchainComns on “Smart Signatures: Experiments in Authorization”

Location: @CBRStanfo…

x-icon Thu Aug 06 20:18:46 +0000 2020

In Andrew Chow of @Blockstream says “As far as I know no wallet actually uses descriptors yet which is a shame.” Actually our bitcoin multsig iOS @GordianWallet fundamentally a descriptor architecture. We use it even for single sigs. Check it out!

x-icon Thu Aug 06 20:25:02 +0000 2020

Best presentation so far on the #RGBProtocol by @dr_orlovsky: Keep an eye on this — it may be as important as the Lightning Network someday. …

x-icon Thu Aug 06 22:16:53 +0000 2020

I’ve other uses for @peterktodd’s single-use-seals used by the #RGBProtocol for use in bitcoin-based Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) aka BTCR. …

x-icon Thu Aug 06 22:16:54 +0000 2020

RGB’s advanced (not for reporters) description is: “Distributed system of partially-replicated state machines without globally-known state, having nearly-synchronous state consistency property enforced by consensus protocol of underlying layer.” …

x-icon Thu Aug 06 22:16:54 +0000 2020

I’m also interested in the intersection of his L2 technology with ability to offer directed capability authorizations tokens like the Lightning Network’s LSATs. @dr_orlovsky also appears to be interested in LSATs as well:

x-icon Thu Aug 06 22:16:55 +0000 2020

In particular, I’m interested in directed capability authorizations tokens that can do compositional predicates, such as the minimal AND/OR, but more ideally more complex scripts or adapter sig script-less script style constructions, aka #SmartSignatures

x-icon Thu Aug 06 22:16:56 +0000 2020

RT @Snyke: It’s finally here: #clightning v0.9.0 “Rat Poison Squared on Steroid” was released. It includes PSBT support, fine-grained coin…

x-icon Fri Aug 07 05:23:43 +0000 2020

RT @bitstein: I really like @ChristopherA’s “Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line”

It takes time and effort to g…

x-icon Fri Aug 07 19:11:31 +0000 2020

Replying to @SifirApps, @yegorpetr0v, @HillebrandMax, @benthecarman, @janakaSteph, @0xVaccaro, @KevinR4v, @bitdov, @Fonta1n3, @francispouliot_ and @Kexkey

Part of the purpose of #RebootingWebOfTrust 5 years ago was that PGP was a dead end, and out of that came the emerging W3C Decentralized Identifier (DID) standard. So I’m working on a Bitcoin-based DID with better WoT and privacy than is possible with legacy PGP architectures.

x-icon Fri Aug 07 19:30:55 +0000 2020

A great article by @caseorganic on the creative works use case for micropayments, which I feel is underthought. This is what I want to see enabled by the Lightning Network & directed capability authorization tech like LSATs, but that is backend. We need more design for user side.

x-icon Fri Aug 07 20:07:36 +0000 2020

Replying to @SifirApps, @yegorpetr0v, @HillebrandMax, @benthecarman, @janakaSteph, @0xVaccaro, @KevinR4v, @bitdov, @Fonta1n3, @francispouliot_ and @Kexkey

We need to allow people to bootstrap from legacy PGP into DIDs, but unfortunately it needs to die. Here is the advance reading on failures of PGP from the creators of it to the first #RebootingWebOfTrust that inspired our work in last 5 years toward DIDs.

x-icon Fri Aug 07 20:13:22 +0000 2020

Replying to @robep00

Note on the other side of the problem, not only are these complaints from IT departments that frustrate me, China is also now blocking TLS 1.3+ESNI with the Great Firewall & putting IP addresses attempted on blacklists. I’m increasingly supporting Tor.

x-icon Sun Aug 09 23:27:48 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @robep00 Note on the other side of the problem, not only are these complaints from IT departments that frustrate me, Chin…

x-icon Sun Aug 09 23:27:55 +0000 2020


x-icon Mon Aug 10 20:30:03 +0000 2020

RT @FullyNoded: 1/ FN v0.1.69 is live!

Thx to @fillial_crypto @BlockchainComns for Spotbit, a self hosted API for #btc price data from ma…

x-icon Fri Aug 14 02:39:38 +0000 2020

“The solution to the anemic relationships created by administrative identity systems is to provide people with the tools they need to operationalize their self-sovereign authority and act as peers with others online.”—⁦@windley⁩

x-icon Fri Aug 14 05:24:07 +0000 2020

For the record, part of the reason why @BlockchainComns supports a @torproject exit node is that Tor suffers from a commons problem. The key reason why attackers could get 23% of exit nodes is that not enough companies support them. Every Bitcoin & LN startup should support one.

x-icon Fri Aug 14 05:34:36 +0000 2020

We have a new chapter in our “Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line” that teaches how to install and use Tor with bitcoin-core

x-icon Fri Aug 14 05:41:48 +0000 2020

We also have automated scripts that will install Tor for your personal bitcoin-cot in @GordianWallet’s server, and in our linux scripts at

x-icon Fri Aug 14 05:44:04 +0000 2020

We would like your sponsorship to create documentation and scripts like these but for standing up Tor exit nodes, relays, and other @torproject infrastructure. Become a monthly patron at

x-icon Fri Aug 14 05:47:23 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: We have a new chapter in our “Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line” that teaches how to install and use Tor with bitcoi…

x-icon Fri Aug 14 05:47:30 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: We also have automated scripts that will install Tor for your personal bitcoin-cot in @GordianWallet’s server, and in our…

x-icon Fri Aug 14 05:47:33 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: We would like your sponsorship to create documentation and scripts like these but for standing up Tor exit nodes, relays,…

x-icon Fri Aug 14 05:47:36 +0000 2020

RT @kryptokidz_: @olthoff Been waiting for a good price on a 3D printer to complete my Lethekit parts kit from @BlockchainComns thanks!

x-icon Fri Aug 14 06:00:02 +0000 2020

“Knowledge, it seemed to me, consists of the ‘How’ connections between pieces of information, the cause and effect relationships. How does this action bring about that result. Science is a systematic attempt to discover the ‘How’ connections.”—Atkinson

x-icon Fri Aug 14 06:10:19 +0000 2020

RT @trinsic_id: Great to get a doctor’s perspective on what problems #SSI can help solve in the healthcare industry as well as what role it…

x-icon Fri Aug 14 17:37:17 +0000 2020

RT @torproject: The Tor Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, and every donation made this August goes towards the Tor Bug Smash Fund. We use t…

x-icon Fri Aug 14 19:02:02 +0000 2020

RT @el33th4xor: I’m worried about the effect of high ETH fees on DeFi.

A quick thread on what can go wrong.

x-icon Fri Aug 14 21:20:30 +0000 2020

I’ve added all the papers in Computation Law to my reading list this weekend. In particular I’m interested in “Commentary on COVID-19 Contact Tracing Privacy Principles” which is something I’ve put some parallel effort into puzzling out decentralized privacy solutions for.

x-icon Fri Aug 14 21:25:29 +0000 2020

My collection of annotated links on #Covid immunity credentials, or so-called immunity passports, is available here. It is about a month out-of-date — it is hard to keep up!

x-icon Fri Aug 14 21:29:09 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: My collection of annotated links on #Covid immunity credentials, or so-called immunity passports, is available here. It i…

x-icon Fri Aug 14 21:29:21 +0000 2020

Our summer intern @Fillial_Crypto has reached a milestone with a public alpha of @SpotBit , a self-sovereign cryptocurrency price discovery tool that leverages Tor. It is working in @FullyNoded now & @GordianWallet next week. We are adding it as optional install in GordianServer.

x-icon Fri Aug 14 22:24:59 +0000 2020

Right now in @SpotBit the focus is to allow you to collect your own current cryptocurrency price pairs rather than depend on your wallet provider or a single exchange for them, then deliver it to your other devices using a private @torproject onion node & optional v3 auth certs…

x-icon Fri Aug 14 22:29:15 +0000 2020

The focus of this alpha is performance of obtaining current data from multiple exchanges, but on roadmap we will add ability for you to compose your own price criteria (and warnings that something wacky is going on), and P2P share historical data with others.

x-icon Fri Aug 14 22:32:31 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Right now in @SpotBit the focus is to allow you to collect your own current cryptocurrency price pairs rather than depend…

x-icon Fri Aug 14 22:32:36 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: The focus of this alpha is performance of obtaining current data from multiple exchanges, but on roadmap we will add abil…

x-icon Fri Aug 14 22:32:39 +0000 2020

Replying to @nayafia

In addition to risks to wildlife of free-range cats, an indoor cat can live for 16-20 years. Exposure to diseases from other outside cats can limit lifespan significantly (~5.5 years). Your cat can be long-term member of your family! Leashes & other methods help offer freedom.

x-icon Fri Aug 14 22:43:31 +0000 2020

Be proud in being humble. My related advice is the biggest risk to being productive as a software engineer (or artist or any other creative) is “Perfection is the enemy of the good”. I’m not saying ship bad insecure code, but accept that your best work can be improved by others.

x-icon Fri Aug 14 22:51:28 +0000 2020

RT @_benkaufman: @lqdbtc @FullyNoded @DrBitcoinMD @BlockchainComns @CryptoAdvance A very handy desktop app for running Bitcoin Core with To…

x-icon Sat Aug 15 20:09:28 +0000 2020

RT @RuffTimo: Just published a piece I’m excited about:

“Introducing Self-Sovereign Student ID”

#StudentID could be #SSI’s killer app, be…

x-icon Sun Aug 16 00:29:51 +0000 2020

RT @AnnCavoukian: Facial Recognition Violates Human Rights, Court Rules

x-icon Sun Aug 16 00:39:57 +0000 2020

Replying to @FullyNoded and @mflaxman

To be clear, the Shamir code & techniques used by seedtool-cli is quite solid with some good code, but we’ve not done a formal audit yet. Also data model not a standard (yet). Was compatible with SLIP39 but ultimately we didn’t agree with some of their choices. So is late alpha.

x-icon Sun Aug 16 05:52:52 +0000 2020

Replying to @FullyNoded and @mflaxman

The Shamir library used by seedtool-cli (and other emerging libraries like bc-ur and URKit) that we will be having formally audited is at

x-icon Sun Aug 16 05:57:34 +0000 2020

Replying to @FullyNoded and @mflaxman

We are adding this to LetheKit which addresses one of the key weaknesses of Shamir. You can, in your vault, shard your keys using a device with no network or persistent memory, and deal each shard via QR to other devices. Or restore master and derive keys.

x-icon Sun Aug 16 06:40:59 +0000 2020

Replying to @mflaxman

I’m still puzzling on the details, but I believe that Shamir has its place in some multsig scenarios, in particular with remote keys. We also hope to implement VSS someday which offer even more interesting scenarios once future Schnorr-sig bitcoin is available.

x-icon Sun Aug 16 07:09:09 +0000 2020

Last year’s Nebula award winning book Song for a New Day by @SarahPinsker is so prescient! Follows the life of a musician and a talent scout in a future where pandemics and terrorism make public events, such as concerts, illegal.

x-icon Sun Aug 16 16:44:33 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @FullyNoded @mflaxman To be clear, the Shamir code & techniques used by seedtool-cli is quite solid with some good code,…

x-icon Sun Aug 16 18:00:58 +0000 2020

RT @DynamicWebPaige: “Using deep learning, @Photoshop, and historical references, I have created photo-realistic portraits of 54 Roman Empe…

x-icon Sun Aug 16 19:17:16 +0000 2020

RT @RuffTimo: And here’s a link to Part 2 of “Introducing Self-Sovereign Student ID”:

Part 2 covers the many non-…

x-icon Sun Aug 16 21:03:54 +0000 2020

RT @windley: Sovereign is the right word for describing the essential distinction between our inalienable self and the administrative ident…

x-icon Sun Aug 16 21:05:00 +0000 2020

RT @remyers_: @nvk @MTituel @eiaine We made a plugin for c-lightning to connect nodes over ham radio using fldigi.

I’d love to help get…

x-icon Sun Aug 16 23:46:55 +0000 2020

Replying to @mflaxman

We support 2-layer in bc-Shamir, to address a number of scenarios. In partcular I like the Two of Three 2 of 3s (ie. 2:[2:abc][2:def][2:efg]) as it allows for seperation of interests. Give 3 to collegues, 3 to friends, and 3 to family, then it requires broad collusion.

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:03:04 +0000 2020

Replying to @mflaxman

In the pure Shamir scenario that would be 4 of 9 (i.e. 4:[abcdefghi]) and all a group (say business partners) needs to do is bribe one person in another interest (a friend or one family). In two-layer, they have to get two from at least 2 sets of different interests.

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:06:27 +0000 2020

Replying to @mflaxman

There are some other advantages I like to 4 of 9, including some good ideas on progressive UX and a second backup. Add in some timelock and OR bitcoin script tricks, you can make quite a solid recovery strategy.

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:08:32 +0000 2020

Replying to @mflaxman

We plan to cover these scenarios, along with how to analyze the risk model differences between them in v2 edition of our #SmartCustody book. But we need financial support from the community, through monthly patronage on Github or Bitcoin donations:

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:11:28 +0000 2020

RT @mflaxman: @ChristopherA I say “had”, because an attacker with 1 seed + your paths can look on chain to see when that pubkey was involve…

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:11:52 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @mflaxman We support 2-layer in bc-Shamir, to address a number of scenarios. In partcular I like the Two of Three 2 of 3s…

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:11:54 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @mflaxman In the pure Shamir scenario that would be 4 of 9 (i.e. 4:[abcdefghi]) and all a group (say business partners) n…

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:11:57 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @mflaxman There are some other advantages I like to 4 of 9, including some good ideas on progressive UX and a second back…

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:11:59 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @mflaxman We plan to cover these scenarios, along with how to analyze the risk model differences between them in v2 editi…

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:12:02 +0000 2020

Replying to @mflaxman

Single key loss in multisig looses no privacy unless attacker already has your Account Map (a bitcoin descriptor with only, but all the xpubs). If they have that then they know your balance. But can’t find multisig balance from a single seed or xprv alone.

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:19:33 +0000 2020

Replying to @mflaxman

BTW, the issue that you have to have your private key plus all the other xpubs and script details (what we call Account Map in @GordianWallet) is a bitcoin recovery UX issue that most other multisig capable wallets have not thought deeply on. You can’t only store BIP39 anymore!

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:43:57 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @mflaxman Single key loss in multisig looses no privacy unless attacker already has your Account Map (a bitcoin descripto…

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:44:06 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @mflaxman BTW, the issue that you have to have your private key plus all the other xpubs and script details (what we call…

x-icon Mon Aug 17 00:44:09 +0000 2020

Replying to @Fonta1n3 and @mflaxman

If you are multisig today you are using script hash. You can’t see what keys are in an address as there is only a hash until it is spent. To find that hash with only one of the xprv/xpub or even the master seed is impossible without the other xpubs, and ideally the Account Map.

x-icon Mon Aug 17 07:20:28 +0000 2020

👍“many schools…are requiring students to make a general blanket commitment to installing an unspecified tracking app of the university’s choosing…the decision to install it or any other app must still be in the hands of the individuals affected.”—@EFF

x-icon Mon Aug 17 17:40:46 +0000 2020

@suhasdaftuar As this summer’s @BlockchainComns summer internships comes to an end in September, is there someone from @ChaincodeLabs that can talk in one of our office hours about preparing themselves for job opportunities in the blockchain ecosystem?

x-icon Mon Aug 17 21:26:50 +0000 2020

RT @SpotBit: Interested in probing Spotbit data? Try this simple python client:
Which will produce candlesticks for…

x-icon Mon Aug 17 21:28:15 +0000 2020

RT @SpotBit: Dependencies: pandas, matplotlib, python3. You must pass the onion hostname as a command-line arg! You can find the current te…

x-icon Mon Aug 17 21:28:55 +0000 2020

RT @FullyNoded: We need more simple dedicated psbt signers to make multi vendor multisig easier/safer. People should not be locked into har…

x-icon Mon Aug 17 21:29:12 +0000 2020

RT @BlockchainComns: @mksecallday1 @TheVladCostea @BTCTKVR @FullyNoded We plan to. Main obstacle to starting is ongoing funding for Android…

x-icon Tue Aug 18 00:37:35 +0000 2020

RT @mksecallday1: @TheVladCostea @BTCTKVR @BlockchainComns they make @FullyNoded and Gordian Node, which is the best node + wallet solution…

x-icon Tue Aug 18 00:37:37 +0000 2020

Replying to @FullyNoded, @matt_odell and @GordianWallet

Speaking of lawyers, I’m also working on a spec to allow use of bitcoin UTXOs & spendable but unbroadcasted transactions to sign things, including messages, Ricardian contracts, files, verifiable credentials, and directed authorization capabilities, leveraging @kallewoof BIP322.

x-icon Tue Aug 18 03:22:28 +0000 2020

RT @nixcraft: Open source world in a nutshell. Does anyone remember OpenSSL fiasco? One person maintained it for a long time. Dependency ht…

x-icon Wed Aug 19 02:22:14 +0000 2020

Replying to @JamesIntrocaso

An abandoned Egyptian-style monolith, unmarked and lost in the woods of a Sierra mountain forest above Rich Bar. On it a plaque to “Nancy Ann Bailey” who “was a credit to her race”. As someone else was claimed to be first white women in Gold Country, it was so story evocative.

x-icon Wed Aug 19 05:29:48 +0000 2020

With your financial support we can add to the course miniscript, introduce @LightningLab’s LND & #LSATs, dive deeper into Tor, Rust and more. We need more bitcoin engineers in our community! But to do this we need your monthly patronage or $btc donations:

x-icon Wed Aug 19 16:48:12 +0000 2020

Next steps for our free Bitcoin engineering course for this summer are to add using @Blockstream’s LibWally with bitcoin-core (which is what our @GordianWallet does), and also to introduce C-Lightning. See our ToDo list:

x-icon Wed Aug 19 16:48:12 +0000 2020

v1 of my free “Learning Bitcoin from the Command Line” course has received on Github over 100 watches, 300 forks, and 1200 stars. We at @BlockchainComns are working on v2, and need tech review of chapters 1-15:

x-icon Wed Aug 19 16:48:12 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: Next steps for our free Bitcoin engineering course for this summer are to add using @Blockstream’s LibWally with bitcoin-…

x-icon Wed Aug 19 16:48:28 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: With your financial support we can add to the course miniscript, introduce @LightningLab’s LND & #LSATs, dive deeper into…

x-icon Wed Aug 19 16:48:30 +0000 2020

Great thread on why solving open source problems requires us to learn from the patterns of “The Commons”. I was just challenged yesterday to explain how a knowledge commons like open source can be like managing resources like fishing & trees, and this thread is a good start.

x-icon Wed Aug 19 18:18:00 +0000 2020

The economics definition of the commons is public goods, which are goods that are both non-excludable & non-rivalrousz My personal definition for commons is “any regenerative, self-organizing complex system that can be drawn upon for deep wealth.“

x-icon Wed Aug 19 18:20:59 +0000 2020

x-icon Wed Aug 19 18:22:14 +0000 2020

x-icon Wed Aug 19 18:22:45 +0000 2020

x-icon Wed Aug 19 18:23:59 +0000 2020

x-icon Wed Aug 19 18:24:22 +0000 2020

Replying to @kryptokidz_, @orionwl and @BlockchainComns

Please let us know if there are spots that are not clear and puzzle you. Just post an issue!

x-icon Wed Aug 19 18:28:15 +0000 2020

My colleague @Appelcline has become the de facto historian of the #TTPRG industry with his award-winning “Designers and Dragons” books. Today he shares on @RPGnet an update on the broad connections to @Chaosium_Inc, which is where we happened to have met!

x-icon Fri Aug 21 02:30:02 +0000 2020

Replying to @JeremyRubin and @travelvc

It’s a real quandary. Blockchain Commons is focused on infrastructure support, but if we do GPL many enterprises (for instance Apple) will not use our quality code, and we need wide adoption. We license BSD+patent instead which everyone will accept, but usage does require return.

x-icon Sat Aug 22 21:33:58 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave and @COLDCARDwallet

There are quite a few other bitcoin now that that are PSBT native. Our @GordianWallet & @FullyNoded are among the first. Come hang out in our Airgapped wallet group on Signal and there at least 5 more.

x-icon Tue Aug 25 06:50:16 +0000 2020

Someone shared with me recently a paper worksheet so that you could confirm your source of raw entropy (say dice) conversion the first 11 BIP39 words completely offline. But I’ve lost the bookmark someplace, and my twitter search isn’t finding it. #SmartCustody #LetheKit

x-icon Tue Aug 25 22:19:52 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave and @bjdweck

Thank you, that was the one!

Investigating through some offline crypto resources like LC4 and LC47 to potentially offer some tools and teach about in future @BlockchainComns projects.

x-icon Tue Aug 25 23:18:03 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet and @FullyNoded

I don’t know what your long-term plans are for this project, but if it is more than just you then you might want to consider if you want to move closer to the emerging standards that we are stewarding for airgap seeds & keys, UR & QR standards, animated PSBTs, etc.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 03:20:45 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet and @FullyNoded

We largely are using Signal for this group, but still a bit ad-hoc as far as Github issues and repos (more coming together soon).

x-icon Wed Aug 26 03:21:45 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet and @FullyNoded

You also might want to consider if you might ultimately want to join forces by contributing it at some point to Blockchain Commons for long-term support.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 03:22:44 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet and @FullyNoded

One of the things that I’ve very interested in is being able to leverage airgapped BIP39 or bc-sskr into LetheKit (no network, no storage) to restore your seed, and then use it to derive each of the master keys, that are then exported to glacier class laptops for multisig.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 04:33:56 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet and @FullyNoded

The Arduino in LetheKit does not have permanent storage nor network. It is physically incapable of compromising your key generation. The board is available from multiple suppliers so no evil maid attacks. Its only input is 16 key keyboard, only output is a 200x200 paper display.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:10:08 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet and @FullyNoded

You can input dice for entropy to create a master seed, and save that as either BIP39, or bc-sskr (Shamir secret key recovery, similar but without the compatibility problem of SLIP39) shard, or directly to a master BIP32 key.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:12:44 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet and @FullyNoded

You can also enter BIP39 or bc-sskr using the 16-key keyboard. You can either write down the output of BIP39, bc-sskr shard words, or the BIP32 master key, or with path children of the BIP32 master key, or you can QR out using the paper display. Turn LetheKit off, it is all gone.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:16:46 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet and @FullyNoded

To test the device, you can use either our seedtool-cli tool on your computer, or Ian Coleman’s BIP39 tool on the web to confirm that LetheKit creates keys from the same randomness exactly the same way (i.e. no backdoors) before using it to generate your real key.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:18:24 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet and @FullyNoded

Thus LetheKit gives you banking class key generation and derivation. LetheKit runs off of batteries and fits in your safe-deposit box, so it and BIP39 backup never need to leave your bank vault, only the child key. You can alternatively export bc-sskr shards to distribute.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:20:44 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @hodlwave @COLDCARDwallet @GordianWallet @FullyNoded The Arduino in LetheKit does not have permanent storage nor network.…

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:21:28 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @hodlwave @COLDCARDwallet @GordianWallet @FullyNoded You can input dice for entropy to create a master seed, and save tha…

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:21:31 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @hodlwave @COLDCARDwallet @GordianWallet @FullyNoded You can also enter BIP39 or bc-sskr using the 16-key keyboard. You c…

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:21:33 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @hodlwave @COLDCARDwallet @GordianWallet @FullyNoded To test the device, you can use either our seedtool-cli tool on your…

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:21:36 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @hodlwave @COLDCARDwallet @GordianWallet @FullyNoded Thus LetheKit gives you banking class key generation and derivation.…

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:21:38 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet and @FullyNoded

LetheKit will also create watch-only descriptors which you can also export via QR into your phone using @GordianWallet or @FullyNoded into watch-only wallets. If those receive a PSBT and have none of the keys, they can optionally restore using a QR a key, sign & pass the PSBT on.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:25:12 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: @hodlwave @COLDCARDwallet @GordianWallet @FullyNoded LetheKit will also create watch-only descriptors which you can also…

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:25:34 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet and @FullyNoded

The current output-only LetheKit is called “v0”. The roadmap is to pick minimal board & hardware, commonly available, for a “v1” version that can support a camera. The problem has been that in experiments is that the device then needs a better than paper display so you can focus.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:36:06 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet and @FullyNoded

The lead for LetheKit @ksedgwic has a lot of experience with boxes that accept camera input, both for a custody solution he did for @basezero_crypto and for a current Lightning hardware project. @gorazdko has also been working on LetheKit & on specter-diy

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:40:03 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet, @FullyNoded, @ksedgwic, @basezero_crypto and @gorazdko

In addition to @StepanSnigirev’s spectre-diy & @CoboVault pledging support for these interoperability standards, @FOUNDATIONdvcs just released a beta python port of our UR code at & plans to support it as well. Its coming together! A great community stuff!

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:44:05 +0000 2020

Replying to @hodlwave, @COLDCARDwallet, @GordianWallet, @FullyNoded, @ksedgwic, @basezero_crypto, @gorazdko, @StepanSnigirev, @CoboVault and @FOUNDATIONdvcs

Current roadmap is to have demos of all of these working together in October November timeframe, plus maybe a few other companies that are participating but haven’t made a solid commitment yet. Still some rough edges to work out, but it is coming. Join us.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 05:45:36 +0000 2020

A number of existing projects have been contributing by interns, including updates to @GordianWallet, working with Lightning and #LSATS, and our Learning Bitcoin from Command Line Course, and a new project led by the interns @spotbit is now in beta.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 18:21:50 +0000 2020

The @BlockchainComns virtual summer internship program is coming to an end soon, and has been a big success. We are looking to repeat this and open for another cohort of the internship program in October through December…

x-icon Wed Aug 26 18:21:50 +0000 2020

Though this internship is largely for cryptocurrency developers, we do welcome applications outside of the developer community, as not all useful Commons projects are solely about code…

x-icon Wed Aug 26 18:21:51 +0000 2020

Each intern has led in at least one project, cooperated with other interns and Blockchain Commons staff on others, and we’ve had weekly virtual office hour with guests like @kallewoof @ksedgwic @WolfMcNally @Appelcline @Leishman @Fonta1n3 and others to talk about growing skills.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 18:21:51 +0000 2020

…and pre-law students to help with our advocacy in the creation of new laws in places like #Wyoming, Netherlands and other countries where our advice about cryptocurrencies and digital identity has been well respected and is being turned into law. /cc @CaitlinLong_ @rothfuss

x-icon Wed Aug 26 18:21:52 +0000 2020

In particular, we are seeking library science students to help us organize our links, repositories, references and past work; education specialists to work on tutorials; students writing about human rights & privacy to help people better understand about our cryptographic tools…

x-icon Wed Aug 26 18:21:52 +0000 2020

We’d are inviting our new cohort of virtual interns to apply by September 23rd, and the new program will be starting October 5th through December 18th. We offer a small stipend in bitcoin and a certificate of completion. More info at

x-icon Wed Aug 26 18:21:53 +0000 2020

RT @javiervargas: Participating in this program has been the best online experience I’ve ever had. Not only because of the technical excell…

x-icon Wed Aug 26 19:43:53 +0000 2020

x-icon Wed Aug 26 20:03:15 +0000 2020

RT @gorazdko: @ChristopherA, thanks for being a good mentor and for the opportunity to meet all these great people.

x-icon Wed Aug 26 22:10:26 +0000 2020

x-icon Wed Aug 26 22:20:24 +0000 2020

RT @jodobear: I’ve learnt so much from @ChristopherA and the team at @BlockchainComns interacting with @Fonta1n3 and the other interns! We…

x-icon Wed Aug 26 23:18:07 +0000 2020

RT @ChristopherA: The @BlockchainComns virtual summer internship program is coming to an end soon, and has been a big success. We are looki…

x-icon Fri Aug 28 10:10:27 +0000 2020

RT @RajarshiMaitra: This is such an amazing effort towards building next-generation Bitcoin devs. Makes me wanna be a grad student all over…

x-icon Sat Aug 29 00:50:53 +0000 2020

Replying to @nixops, @FullyNoded and @maxtannahill

Blockchain Commons @BlockchainComns is fighting against this type of vendor lock-in. We consider these tricks to be akin to rent-seeking & against the Bitcoin ethos, or at least bitcoin-core ethos, which is to be very careful. Fortunately a number of wallet vendors agree with me.

x-icon Mon Aug 31 05:15:13 +0000 2020

Replying to @bjdweck

Using @GordianWallet from @BlockchainComns and do both.

x-icon Mon Aug 31 07:46:21 +0000 2020

There is a scammer posing as me using a Twitter username that cleverly substitutes one character. They are replying to people that follow me and requesting investment of #Bitcoin & promising return. I am seeking Patrons not investors, and explicitly not promising any return.

x-icon Mon Aug 31 21:56:06 +0000 2020

Replying to @tobie

I have done so, but the reply from Twitter was that they were really behind schedule dealing with this reports due to Covid-19.

x-icon Mon Aug 31 22:42:15 +0000 2020

Replying to @pdubl22

My username but with an l (lower case “L”) instead of an i. I don’t want to link to them directly, and they have blocked me from seeing them.

x-icon Mon Aug 31 22:43:38 +0000 2020

One of the best legislators I’ve ever worked with, Wyoming State Representative @Tyler_Lindholm, was unfortunately defeated by a primary opponent for being too moderate. I greatly respect his combination of old west humility & pride + willingness to learn–tyler-lindholm-key-sponsor-of–blockchain-laws-in-wyoming/

x-icon Tue Sep 01 02:44:59 +0000 2020

Tyler was one of the leaders and the co-chair of the Wyoming Legislative Blockchain Task Force that succeeded over three years to pass 18 important state laws enabling and supporting blockchain technology, to make Wyoming an international leader.

x-icon Tue Sep 01 02:48:40 +0000 2020

We didn’t agree in all topics, but @Tyler_Lindholm was always a gentleman cowboy, respectful and listening even while continuing to be a strong advocate for his district, Wyoming, and his POV. In these divisive times he gave me hope that civil discourse possible in America.

x-icon Tue Sep 01 02:52:58 +0000 2020

I wish him and his family the best in the coming years, and hope he finds new places and ways to continue to have an impact and make a difference in Wyoming, our nation, and the world.

x-icon Tue Sep 01 02:55:20 +0000 2020

RT @Tyler_Lindholm: @ChristopherA Thanks @ChristopherA ! I’ll be around and will be harassing you soon. Your input and help that you have p…

x-icon Tue Sep 01 03:35:45 +0000 2020
