Didn’t expect this—maybe most Republicans I know tend Liberatarian. “We saw that in general Democrats have a higher concern across an array of scenarios about the use of their data, Republicans are in general less concerned about those practices.” #privacy https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/30/technology/privacy-concerns-politics.html

Tue May 01 15:02:06 +0000 2018

RT @trentmc0: New blog post: “The Layered TCR. Low-friction onboarding, and increase of rights from value added. Applications in access con…

Tue May 01 15:06:54 +0000 2018

Replying to @trentmc0, @DimitriDeJonghe and @gongfang2008

I’d like to figure out how to do token curated markets using Satoshi-style scripts. My intuition is that it can be done through some form of write authorization through object capabilities, but likely will require Schnorr signatures first.

Tue May 01 15:13:07 +0000 2018

RT @MarkFriedenbach: @Gabridome @kurtwuckertjr @lopp @Blockstream @loop @BitGo @TheBlueMatt @ChristopherA I am not and do not seek to be an…

Wed May 02 04:25:06 +0000 2018

RT @manusporny: Credentials CG discusses transition of Decentralized Identifiers to W3C Working Group: https://w3c-ccg.github.io/meetings/2018-05-01/ #w3c #ccg

Wed May 02 15:06:48 +0000 2018

RT @mir_btc: See you all there!
Building on #Bitcoin (BOB) conference in Lisbon (3rd - 4th of July) https://twitter.com/KLoaec/status/991640613866139653

Wed May 02 15:23:25 +0000 2018

RT @ricburton: The hardest thing for people in crypto to accept is that price != value.

Yes, you made 100x flipping a token.

No, that tok…

Wed May 02 15:32:06 +0000 2018

RT @AaronvanW: The Future of Bitcoin: What Lightning Could Look Like https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/future-bitcoin-what-lightning-could-look/ #blockchain via @BitcoinMagazine

Wed May 02 15:32:24 +0000 2018

Solutions like Bitcoin were possible in early 2000s, but were impossible due to unreasonable non-practicing patent holders. I tried to get access to hash tree & Schnorr parents & they wanted economically too much %. Don’t let this practice happen to the cryptocurrency ecosystem! https://twitter.com/carsten71071425/status/991319782510211073

Wed May 02 15:59:02 +0000 2018

Our biggest fans this week: @TuurDemeester, @BrendanEich, @twobitidiot. Thank you! via https://sumall.com/thankyou?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=publishing&utm_campaign=thank_you_tweet&utm_content=text_and_media&utm_term=d0ab6b00ad990b36d99f7a0b

Wed May 02 16:04:54 +0000 2018

Replying to @BTC_Prince and @pamelawjd

Short term—entities like #BlockchainCommons funded by patrons, voluntary basis point from ecosystem stakeholders, etc. Longer term, built into ecosystem design itself as blockchain or smart contract incentives.

Thu May 03 01:28:58 +0000 2018

RT @BTC_Prince: @ChristopherA @pamelawjd Agreed, BUT, who is gonna pay the incentives for the creators and innovators.
$ZEC have one model,…

Thu May 03 01:29:07 +0000 2018

Replying to @hrdng

As I recall it was one of the subsequent patents following the first that was the blocker. Patents tend to have many subsidiary patents.

Thu May 03 01:30:36 +0000 2018

Replying to @savils, @byrongibson, @MaxFangX, @roasbeef, @paddyucl and @karl_dot_tech

Thanks for the notes. My full slide deck on #SmartSignatures is at https://www.slideshare.net/ChristopherA/smart-signaturesexperiments-in-authentication-stanford-bpase-2018-final

Thu May 03 01:35:31 +0000 2018

Replying to @bmann

Which replacements have you evaluated?

Thu May 03 03:32:06 +0000 2018

Replying to @ZcashFoundation

I proposed an anonymous web of trust self-sovereign identity DID method and wallet https://github.com/ZcashFoundation/GrantProposals-2018Q2/issues/9

Thu May 03 04:04:03 +0000 2018

Replying to @WayneVaughan, @Melt_Dem and @CremeDeLaCrypto

How about trillions of dollars of commerce secured using your designs :-)

Thu May 03 04:06:10 +0000 2018

RT @JamesSACorey: Write a thousand pages of stuff. If it’s not good, write a thousand more. Repeat as needed. https://twitter.com/Mikep907/status/991834514581344262

Thu May 03 04:10:02 +0000 2018

Replying to @ummjackson

I have no idea how much patents had to do with Satoshi’s decisions, but there was nothing technically in bitcoin that couldn’t have been accomplished years earlier. One of the genius things about bitcoin in many ways was how conservative the code was. 2009 was the right time.

Thu May 03 06:10:10 +0000 2018

Replying to @YangVentures, @WayneVaughan, @Melt_Dem, @CremeDeLaCrypto and @YangVentures

(aka I’m co-author of TLS 1.0)

Thu May 03 06:11:44 +0000 2018

Replying to @ertwro and @ummjackson

Whom ever Satoshi was, she must have had enough experience that she knew you don’t roll your own crypto — that it is important to use the most mature crypto libraries and tools (of the time) as much as possible. I find that discipline is rare in younger developers.

Thu May 03 14:16:25 +0000 2018

RT @el33th4xor: @ChristopherA @ummjackson Here’s Karma, from 2002-2003, has proof of work minting:

Bitcoin’s timin…

Thu May 03 14:19:08 +0000 2018

Replying to @California_MMX

Though it is imperfect (all sources of blockchain knowledge have biases) the book Mastering Bitcoin can be a good place to start. Otherwise buy some bitcoin & more importantly don’t just leave it at exchange. Take into your own wallet. Buy something. Be willing to make mistakes.

Thu May 03 14:28:51 +0000 2018

Replying to @nic__carter

Missing theory five, which would be those focused on the censorship resistance nature of bitcoin, which supports coercion resistance, which fundamental to non-violence.

Thu May 03 14:38:16 +0000 2018

RT @nic__carter: I’ve started thinking about things through this lens. I probably align most closely with theory 3, although I am partial t…

Thu May 03 14:38:43 +0000 2018

A key Ostrom quote: “…individuals repeatedly communicate and interact with one another…[When individuals] have developed shared norms and patterns of reciprocity, they possess social capital with which they can build institutional arrangements for resolving…dilemmas” https://twitter.com/nayafia/status/992070139615920128

Thu May 03 17:11:12 +0000 2018

Replying to @nayafia

My personal definition of commons is “any regenerative, self-organizing complex system that can be drawn upon for deep wealth.” I also have a more accessible version of her principles updates & clarifications to them at: http://www.lifewithalacrity.com/2015/11/a-revised-ostroms-design-principles-for-collective-governance-of-the-commons-.html

Thu May 03 17:14:14 +0000 2018

RT @ChristopherA: @nayafia My personal definition of commons is “any regenerative, self-organizing complex system that can be drawn upon fo…

Thu May 03 17:20:04 +0000 2018

RT @smdiehl: The economics of open source software maintenance is completely insane. https://twitter.com/Sydonahi/status/991797172877381632

Thu May 03 17:21:43 +0000 2018

RT @ChristopherA: “Standard efforts don’t run out of money or time, they just run out of patience.” — @Justin__Richer

Thu May 03 19:05:54 +0000 2018

Love this list compiled by James Madison (a US Founding Father) ancient governance mechanisms & practices. I have an informal list of collective consent mechanisms I call Spectrum of Consent— I need to do same for governance models. https://twitter.com/kevinakwok/status/992136832891564032

Thu May 03 21:56:25 +0000 2018

Replying to @trbouma

So how can we help #Ontario support a better architecture that more explicitly separates authentication vs authorization & credentials? This is what #BritishColumbia seems to be moving toward. Related, next #RebootingWebOfTrust is in Toronto week of 9/24!

Fri May 04 06:32:27 +0000 2018

RT @TuurDemeester: Here are the two paradigms visualized via NGram viewer. The generic term (information superhighway, which included propr…

Fri May 04 06:33:43 +0000 2018

Replying to @trbouma and @valremix

We have started a discussion of volunteers to help us logistically in Toronto in a new mailing list. Key issue is a venue. https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!forum/rwot-volunteers

Fri May 04 14:42:00 +0000 2018

RT @TuurDemeester: Number of developers contributing to Bitcoin’s open-source code is suddenly on the rise: “at least 21 code submissions a…

Fri May 04 15:04:11 +0000 2018

RT @Carsten71071425: Are you kidding me?


Who passed those patents? Aren’t there any competent employees? https://…

Fri May 04 15:09:03 +0000 2018

RT @jimmysong: Thanks for the shoutout, @coindesk and @La__Cuen!


If you want to learn, apply for my seminar in Ne…

Fri May 04 15:12:04 +0000 2018

Our next whitepaper from #RebootingWebOfTrust Santa Barbara is now final: “Exploring Sustainable Technology Commons using Appreciative Inquiry” led by @heathervescent with @IdentityWoman, @agropper, and Juan Caballero: https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rebooting-the-web-of-trust-spring2018/blob/master/final-documents/sustainable-commons.md

Fri May 04 19:40:09 +0000 2018

RT @iam_preethi: 100% agree. You can copy all the code you want – but you can’t copy the ability to:

1) communicate the vision clearly

Sat May 05 00:47:58 +0000 2018

Replying to @roasbeef, @Vaultoro, @Blockstream, @lightning and @acinq_co

This is one of the reasons why I’d like to see lightning support DIDs. Not only does it support a persistent identifier, it allows keys to be rotated, revoked, and supports things like linked local names (aka pet names) and multiple name registries.

Sat May 05 16:51:19 +0000 2018

Replying to @roasbeef, @Vaultoro, @Blockstream, @lightning and @acinq_co

DIDs are defined at https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-spec/ and the proposed Bitcoin method description is at https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rebooting-the-web-of-trust-spring2018/blob/master/final-documents/btcr-resolver.md and uses same items to create identifiers as LN, i.e. block, index to tx, & index to output.

Sat May 05 16:56:37 +0000 2018

Replying to @roasbeef, @Vaultoro, @Blockstream, @lightning and @acinq_co

A petname proposal from last #RebootingWebOfTrust is being drafted at https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rebooting-the-web-of-trust-spring2018/blob/master/draft-documents/making-dids-invisible-with-petnames.md

Sat May 05 16:58:34 +0000 2018

Replying to @roasbeef, @Vaultoro, @Blockstream, @lightning and @acinq_co

An older article I wrote on linked local names/pet names. https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rebooting-the-web-of-trust/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/linked-local-names.md

Sat May 05 17:02:25 +0000 2018

Replying to @lazy_sardine, @Vaultoro, @starkness, @roasbeef, @Blockstream, @lightning and @acinq_co

See https://twitter.com/christophera/status/992808974373216258?s=21

Sat May 05 17:05:54 +0000 2018

RT @PolakPolly: Yesterday I had to teach my students, in under 3 hours, what the EU was and why #Brexit was happening. It seemed like an im…

Sun May 06 03:03:54 +0000 2018

Replying to @hellomslewis, @Medium and @ElectJessaLewis

Can’t read it, behind a pay wall.

Sun May 06 06:54:19 +0000 2018

RT @bmann: To date, “wallets have been charity projects that get all the flack and none of the revenue”. Incentives will drive competition…

Sun May 06 15:18:41 +0000 2018

Replying to @aalexis1234, @lrettig, @ricburton, @BobSummerwill, @ricmoo and @PAMauric

There has been some good reputation topics paper and some final collaborative papers in previous #RebootingWebOfTrust design workshops. The next event is in Toronto week of September 24th, I hope you bring this to us!

Sun May 06 17:35:24 +0000 2018

Replying to @jmkorhonen

I don’t have anything specific on the OD of alternative economic systems, but I’m collecting some documents on participatory organizations at https://github.com/participatoryorgs which include some thoughts on things like participatory equity. If you find anything, add a link as an issue?

Mon May 07 13:05:01 +0000 2018

RT @jmkorhonen: Hi folks who think about alternative economic systems! Are you aware of research that looks into organisation science of al…

Mon May 07 13:05:05 +0000 2018

RT @LearningMach1: “Future of Identity Records - Funded” https://medium.com/@chrisjagers/the-future-of-identity-records-funded-2716d98d8047

Mon May 07 13:15:23 +0000 2018

Replying to @The1Brand7

Some links and a panel I was on at Consensus 2015 on this topic: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/quick-history-cryptocurrencies-bbtc-bitcoin-1397682630 https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3755.0 https://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=3136559 https://youtu.be/gXUGJXN-_MU

Mon May 07 13:24:31 +0000 2018

RT @lukOlejnik: Ever wondered how #GDPR fines work? My technical assessment based on a real case. No, max (€20M/4%) is not the standard. Bu…

Mon May 07 13:27:00 +0000 2018

0/ Bulletproofs for curve operations, a #BlockchainCommons opportunity:

Mon May 07 15:22:14 +0000 2018

1/ Bulletproofs, invented by @BenediktBuenz & Jonathan Bootle, are a new cryptographic tech for creation of non-interactive ZK-proofs that require no trusted setup. On secp256k1 they can be used to create computational circuits to prove scalar assertions. …

Mon May 07 15:22:39 +0000 2018

2/ Most notably bulletproofs have been implemented to support very efficient range proofs for blockchains implementing confidential transactions by @Blockstream and https://blockstream.com/2018/02/21/bulletproofs-faster-rangeproofs-and-much-more.html & @Chain https://blog.chain.com/faster-bulletproofs-with-ristretto-avx2-29450b4490cd

Mon May 07 15:22:59 +0000 2018

3/ However, what if we want to check curve operations in zero knowledge? @MarkFriedenbach has suggested these too could be very useful! They can prove in ZK that you have a signature for a given message and public key, or the pre-image of a given Pedersen hash.

Mon May 07 15:23:14 +0000 2018

4/ These curve proofs could be very used for a new form of HD key that allows transferable proofs of the hardened derivation. We can support cryptographic hardware proving that it performed signatures operations properly.

Mon May 07 15:23:25 +0000 2018

5/ These curve proofs can also support mimblewimble compatible confidential assets, and many other forms of blinding and ZK privacy cryptography.

Mon May 07 15:24:31 +0000 2018

6/ To do these curve proofs would require us to have a mirror curve to secp256k1 where n & p are swapped, let’s call it secq256k1 (“mind your p’s & q’s”), or secq for short.

Mon May 07 15:24:52 +0000 2018

7/ We will need to create an efficient & rigorous implementation of the secq curve comparable to libsecp256k1 used by bitcoin-core & many other blockchains.

Mon May 07 15:25:09 +0000 2018

8/ Once we have secq, can even do recursive bulletproofs in secp, which prove the existence of a proof in secq, of an operation that happened in secp, etc. Many opportunities for exploration.

Mon May 07 15:25:22 +0000 2018

9/ Once we have both bulletproof tools for secp & secq, a next challenge will be to write compiler tools for computational circuits and trying them out on various other cryptographic zero-knowledge problems.

Mon May 07 15:25:33 +0000 2018

10/ We want these solutions to be open source and to avoid patent abuse. I believe this would be a great example of one of the kind of projects that the #BlockchainCommons could collaboratively create for the community.

Mon May 07 15:25:49 +0000 2018

11/ We are seeking project patrons, cryptographers & cryptographic engineers to tackle this project over the summer. @MarkFriedenbach has agreed to commit 50 days a year to these kinds of projects. Interested in this project? Join us! https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/secp256k1/issues/1

Mon May 07 15:26:14 +0000 2018

12/ There are many more things that #BlockchainCommons can do: a reference DID/VC identity wallet, better social key recover techniques than Shamir Secret Sharing, cross-chain atomic transfers, independent security review of hardware & of emerging multi-blockchain standards, etc.

Mon May 07 15:26:41 +0000 2018

13/ Are you interested in participating, supporting or learning more about #BlockchainCommons? See https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/BlockchainCommonsCommunity

Mon May 07 15:27:40 +0000 2018

14/ A previous thread on possibilities for #BlockchainCommons https://twitter.com/christophera/status/988856246349508609

Mon May 07 15:36:12 +0000 2018

RT @evalieve: Counting down to 25 May 2018: it is (finally) becoming clearer how art. 8 will be implemented. New mapping of the age of cons…

Mon May 07 15:54:39 +0000 2018

RT @BretWeinstein: I couldn’t possibly be any more excited about this. My hope is that @RichardDawkins and I will break new ground. Chicago…

Mon May 07 15:58:33 +0000 2018

Replying to @ClarkeMicah

This is exactly the concept behind self-sovereign identity — I wrote about 10 principles of it at http://www.lifewithalacrity.com/2016/04/the-path-to-self-soverereign-identity.html & we have made much progress is 2 years since: https://twitter.com/christophera/status/989120215702261761?s=21

Mon May 07 16:06:28 +0000 2018

RT @ClarkeMicah: Quite right. Whole point of identity cards is that we are all presumed guilty, reversing the proper relationship between t…

Mon May 07 16:06:52 +0000 2018

RT @Rita_Banerji: Peter Hitchens : This is exactly the issue with #Aadhaar in India. Thousands have been robbed of their pension, ration, w…

Mon May 07 16:07:01 +0000 2018

Replying to @waxwing__, @pwuille, @socrates1024, @josephbonneau, @hashbreaker and @zooko

Know any grad students that might be interested on secq or ZK tooling for it? We have some partial funding now, hopefully more to come.

Mon May 07 16:20:51 +0000 2018

RT @davetfields: 1/ I am very excited to share the news that PTB has led a $3mm seed round in Learning Machine Technologies. https://t.…

Mon May 07 18:10:40 +0000 2018

RT @pwuille: @benediktbuenz @ChristopherA The curve we’re calling secq has equation y^2 = x^3 + 7 over integers mod n (secp256k1’s curve or…

Mon May 07 20:11:21 +0000 2018

RT @ebfull: @benediktbuenz @ChristopherA @pwuille secp256k1 does seem like the perfect curve for Bulletproofs. The secq cycle is very handy…

Mon May 07 23:45:03 +0000 2018

RT @DanielSolove: Searchable version of GDPR! Privacy nerds rejoice!
https://gdpr.algolia.com/ #GDPR Interesting fact: The word “privacy” d…

Tue May 08 00:05:00 +0000 2018

I’ve enjoyed collaborating with @LearningMach1’s CTO Kim Hamilton Duffy @kimdhamilton, starting when she hacked in dual JWS/JSON-LD support into Verifiable Claims last year. She accepted being co-chair of W3C Credentials CG last summer and is committed to self-sovereign identity! https://twitter.com/techcrunch/status/993515350665908225

Tue May 08 00:17:13 +0000 2018

In particular I appreciate that @kimdhamilton has taken on the lead role in the BTCR DID (Satoshi-blockchain based Decentralized Identifiers) effort—not only leading the work on the spec, but also implementing the BTCR testnet playground: https://weboftrustinfo.github.io/btcr-tx-playground.github.io/

Tue May 08 00:23:14 +0000 2018

RT @thothonegan: Just released CoinClip, a Bitcoin/Lightning testnet wallet for iOS! Download now for free.
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/coinclip-testnet/id1372927440?ls=1&mt=8 https:/…

Tue May 08 00:28:18 +0000 2018

RT @mattblaze: I just realized that April 16 went by unnoticed as the 25th anniversary of the announcement of the Clipper Chip in 1993. Cli…

Tue May 08 00:57:11 +0000 2018

RT @kate_sills: It’s really incredibly good and at only 20 pages, it’s a must-read for anyone interested in smart contracts (looking at you…

Tue May 08 01:01:20 +0000 2018

RT @Subhashish30: Excited to be supporting @LearningMach1 and the great team of @chrisjagers, @theyblinked, @kimdhamilton and @NSmolenski o…

Tue May 08 15:38:44 +0000 2018

RT @valkenburgh: “The law deserves respect, but technological progress should not be bound by the limits of the regulator’s lawyerly imagin…

Tue May 08 20:46:18 +0000 2018

Replying to @dustyweb and @leastfixedpoint

I have a copy of @joncallas ‘s S-Expression library in C from his PGP days when SPKI/SDSI was in progress. He said I was welcome to open source it.

Tue May 08 20:50:52 +0000 2018

RT @AriannaSimpson: I can’t wait until I can just give my browser a monthly budget to spend on paywalls. I don’t mind paying for content, b…

Tue May 08 20:51:33 +0000 2018

RT @aroraharshita33: A dream come true for an iOS app developer and an amazing honor – an app I created (@cryptotrackapp) is featured on t…

Tue May 08 20:52:11 +0000 2018

RT @MicroSFF: “What are you doing?” the robot asked.
“Oh, this is a religious observance. I understand it must seen strange to you.”
“No, w…

Tue May 08 20:53:20 +0000 2018

Replying to @dustyweb, @leastfixedpoint and @joncallas

I forwarded it to you via email. It is one of the files in that zip. @joncallas asked it be licensed BSD. If you make it work, I’d appreciate a link to the Github :-)

Tue May 08 21:53:05 +0000 2018

I share much of this @AragonProject vision & values manifesto, in particular it’s emphasis on self-sovereignty, non-coercion, and commitment to the self-regulation of the commons. However, I do have concerns using current architectures for ICOs could add corrosive influences. https://twitter.com/licuende/status/993902105046986753

Tue May 08 22:04:23 +0000 2018

Replying to @eric_lombrozo

I’m ready for us to fork git. Add Decentralized Identifiers and Verifiable Claims instead of PGP (in particular support key rotation & revocation), web-of-trust/peer-to-peer teams, #SmartSignature authorizations for releases, secure deterministic builds, etc.

Wed May 09 01:04:26 +0000 2018

RT @ChristopherA: @eric_lombrozo I’m ready for us to fork git. Add Decentralized Identifiers and Verifiable Claims instead of PGP (in parti…

Wed May 09 01:04:30 +0000 2018

Replying to @davewiner

Raises gas prices, helps Russia.

Wed May 09 01:06:59 +0000 2018

Our biggest fans this week: @peterktodd, @el33th4xor, @prestonjbyrne. Thank you! via https://sumall.com/thankyou?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=publishing&utm_campaign=thank_you_tweet&utm_content=text_and_media&utm_term=d0ab6b00ad990b36d99f7a0b

Wed May 09 16:00:48 +0000 2018

“We need human interface guidelines, but the other direction: We need standard and agreed upon iconography, typography, and audio conventions that make it clear when content of any sort is being generated by a digital presence.”—@jeffehobbs comment re: https://www.theverge.com/2018/5/9/17334658/google-ai-phone-call-assistant-duplex-ethical-social-implications

Wed May 09 17:31:11 +0000 2018


Wed May 09 17:32:44 +0000 2018

RT @EFF: Facebook and other social media companies use secret, opaque rules to police users’ posts. We’ve released a set of standards they…

Wed May 09 17:36:14 +0000 2018

RT @JoeAndrieu: Merit-based scholarship in hand, I’ll be taking an intensive blockchain programming class in NYC next week. Thanks @jimmyso…

Wed May 09 18:00:39 +0000 2018

RT @BridgetCarey: I am genuinely bothered and disturbed at how morally wrong it is for the Google Assistant voice to act like a human and d…

Wed May 09 18:03:11 +0000 2018

RT @random_walker: AI deceptively acting like a human will become a widespread problem in many domains. We need ground rules. One proposal:…

Wed May 09 18:03:29 +0000 2018

“Turing Red Flag law: An autonomous system should be designed so that it is unlikely to be mistaken for anything besides an autonomous sysem, and should identify itself at the start of any interaction with another agent.”—@TobyWalsh /ht @random_walker https://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~tw/wcacm15.pdf

Wed May 09 18:08:41 +0000 2018

RT @mashable: Meet the most experienced female space walker

Wed May 09 18:33:32 +0000 2018

RT @rmhrisk: @prestonjbyrne @ChristopherA I help design and operate facilities and controls like these. They have their place, institutiona…

Thu May 10 05:33:59 +0000 2018

Replying to @rmhrisk and @prestonjbyrne

I’d rather see what I call #SmartCustody: solutions where you have custody, but grant for limited periods of time the ability for a custodian-like service to add fiduciary controls. Say by using a multisig with timelocks that have to be renewed quarterly.

Thu May 10 05:37:56 +0000 2018

Replying to @rmhrisk and @prestonjbyrne

I’ve been working on digital asset risk modeling methodology (reviewed by some bitcoin-core, token consulting firms, along with some hedge funds folk) to come up with a list of reasonable questions & requirements for qualified custodians. Too many now only security theatre.

Thu May 10 05:48:09 +0000 2018

RT @OrinKerr: Court imposes new limits on cell phone searches at the border: United States v. Kolsuz. A deep dive for the law nerds, now u…

Thu May 10 05:50:29 +0000 2018

Replying to @permaetheus, @rmhrisk and @prestonjbyrne

Simplest #SmartCustody is give an executor a recovery private key, then have funds with that 2nd key on a timelock for 365 days. If you don’t move each year, executor can. Another is @GreenAddress style 2of2, where 2nd sig is released only after 2FA, but full custody timelocked…

Thu May 10 05:59:49 +0000 2018

Replying to @permaetheus, @rmhrisk, @prestonjbyrne and @GreenAddress

Many more #SmartCustody variants are possible. What is the underlying reasons why qualified custodians are required for traditional securities? To support fiduciary responsibility, slow down & address specific attacks. We can still do so without replicating ways to secure paper.

Thu May 10 06:03:37 +0000 2018

RT @rmhrisk: @ChristopherA @permaetheus @prestonjbyrne @GreenAddress I 💕 timelocks, smart contracts and other related approaches. They enab…

Thu May 10 06:18:31 +0000 2018

RT @rmhrisk: @ChristopherA @permaetheus @prestonjbyrne @GreenAddress For example custodial backups,or in situations where there are a insuf…

Thu May 10 06:18:42 +0000 2018

RT @benadida: 1/ Of course Google’s AI bot that sounds human poses some terrifying problems. Of course it must be tweaked. At the same time…

Thu May 10 07:01:15 +0000 2018

RT @JamieXML: “An emancipatory future” … one of the nicer aspects of #blockchain work is the genuine zeal in a lot of the #DLT community fo…

Fri May 11 16:36:15 +0000 2018

RT @mabmbarek: Democracy does not mean necessary Elections. Our societies celebrate creativity &innovation except when it comes to democrat…

Fri May 11 18:33:22 +0000 2018

RT @SortitionNow: What a great idea! “bring together in Brussels a random sample of citizens from all.. EU member states, and enable them t…

Fri May 11 18:47:20 +0000 2018

Replying to @jonasschnelli

Can it quickly look up to see if an arbitrary address is in the UTXO set? And if it has any outputs what outputs? bitcoind w/ -txindex can’t easily do this though online explorers can. I’ve not seen any open source tools for that and I don’t want to rely on explorers. @kallewoof

Sat May 12 18:56:38 +0000 2018

RT @jonasschnelli: BitcoinCore-Indexd, an experimental p2p based extendable and interruptible txid->blockhash index (txindex).

Indexes t…

Sat May 12 19:16:38 +0000 2018

@chain should you be interested in supporting secq? https://twitter.com/ChristopherA/status/993511329146191872

Sat May 12 19:28:05 +0000 2018

RT @lrettig: @fubuloubu I think there are better, more sustainable ways to reinvest in the ecosystem. We had a very productive conversation…

Sat May 12 20:10:33 +0000 2018

Replying to @aalexis1234 and @lrettig

So far those that stand up and speak with good ideas are not getting money (or trivial amounts) unless the are willing to play the ICO pump-and-dump game, which will likely benefit others more and compromise the good purpose. #BlockchainCommons

Sat May 12 20:15:37 +0000 2018

Seeking the impossible? I’m looking for security software developers—pay is 80% prevailing salary, but you get 50 days off a year (or 1 day a week). No options, VC money or ICOs, but you get to work on meaningful #BlockchainCommons open source in joyous collaboration! Interested?

Sat May 12 21:19:43 +0000 2018

No, You get 52 paid vacation days to use how you choose. Can use as a long break, or work 4 days a week instead of five. Exact mechanism is slightly different from state-to-state or by country because of regulation, but that is the general effect.

Sun May 13 00:23:19 +0000 2018

Replying to @obreahny and @zooko

Been there, done that. Consensus Development in 90s created SSL/TLS but need an exit to satisfy investors. I was Principal Architect at Blockstream who has done a lot to support the commons of bitcoin. But even they must satisfy investors. I am seeking long term business models.

Sun May 13 02:34:11 +0000 2018

Replying to @SMKainkaryam

No, the job does not require that you work in California. But the team will need to meet periodically in person somewhere.

Sun May 13 05:37:19 +0000 2018

Replying to @marcomonaco83, @obreahny and @zooko

There is nothing secret about Blockstream—they are now focused on offering a private Liquid sidechain using bitcoin between various exchanges to allow exchange customers to rapidly move funds between accounts. They do fund some time for bitcoin-core support, but others do more.

Sun May 13 16:42:21 +0000 2018

Replying to @Sc00bzT and @zooko

Quibbles. Past people have taken this kind of offer at my previous companies have used the time to spend more time with children or family, or spend more time traveling, or more time supporting a cause or a personal project. What value that?

Sun May 13 16:47:09 +0000 2018

RT @MarkFriedenbach: @obreahny @ChristopherA @zooko Creating an incentive model that aligns with the problems being solved is the challenge…

Sun May 13 17:49:03 +0000 2018

Replying to @marcomonaco83, @obreahny and @zooko

Sure, but isn’t that the way all startups begin? A few customers & grow? You forgot to list ICE/NYSE deal. If Blockstream succeeds in being the preferred provider of many services across many exchanges & wealth funds, that is clearly a $B+ business. But it’s not my biz anymore.

Sun May 13 18:37:51 +0000 2018

Replying to @zooko, @MarkFriedenbach and @obreahny

I hope so, but I do have a concern that the token foundation models are largely only supporting their token—bug bounties, token specific features. But some stuff crosses into security infrastructure for multiple chains or broader internet. Supporting that by foundations is rare.

Sun May 13 18:41:02 +0000 2018

RT @zooko: @MarkFriedenbach @obreahny @ChristopherA IMHO the “Dev Fund” model that Zcash Company and Zcash Foundation currently operate on…

Sun May 13 18:41:09 +0000 2018

RT @ChristopherA: @zooko @MarkFriedenbach @obreahny I hope so, but I do have a concern that the token foundation models are largely only su…

Sun May 13 18:41:17 +0000 2018

Replying to @HeyRhett

I don’t ask for salary history. There are many websites that offer prevailing salaries across different years of experience & regions. I am not competing with salary, but as a cool place & people to work with, interesting projects, and respect for your real life / work balance.

Sun May 13 18:43:53 +0000 2018

RT @ChristopherA: @HeyRhett I don’t ask for salary history. There are many websites that offer prevailing salaries across different years o…

Sun May 13 18:44:09 +0000 2018

Replying to @eric_lombrozo, @marcomonaco83, @obreahny and @zooko

I’m certain that is true that ChainCode Labs contributes more to bitcoin than Blockstream did, and even more so now.

Sun May 13 18:51:48 +0000 2018

Replying to @marcomonaco83, @eric_lombrozo, @obreahny and @zooko

That influence is waning. Matt left over a year ago, Greg last year, Mark left last month. Only full-time engineer on bitcoin is Pieter. Andrew is doing cool crypto that may be relevant to bitcoin but is needed for sidechains first. Others are not active contributors.

Sun May 13 19:05:49 +0000 2018

Replying to @eric_lombrozo, @marcomonaco83, @obreahny and @zooko

I’m exploring to find more ways to allow great developers (or to help support creation of great developers) to support bitcoin and other related blockchain & trust technologies. No easy answers—but I don’t want a heartbleed-like story to happen in 10 years like it did with TLS!

Sun May 13 19:11:15 +0000 2018

Replying to @eric_lombrozo, @marcomonaco83, @obreahny and @zooko

I’ve been frustrated for several years while inside of Blockstream with the constant attacks on good individuals doing good work for bitcoin, due to claims of some conspiracy or secret agenda—there isn’t one. We never all agreed internally on many things & that was OK.

Sun May 13 19:35:31 +0000 2018

RT @eric_lombrozo: @marcomonaco83 @ChristopherA @obreahny @zooko Pieter is about as apolitical and nonprofit-driven as they come and he cou…

Sun May 13 19:36:26 +0000 2018

Replying to @marcomonaco83, @Ragnarly, @obreahny and @zooko

I certainly didn’t mean to jump. My intent was to offer a particular side of the story. However, I do have sympathy for those that have tried to tell the story and have their words twisted over & over—they become less patient than I and this can react strongly.

Sun May 13 21:05:44 +0000 2018

Replying to @Ragnarly, @marcomonaco83, @obreahny and @zooko

I’ve not met all the Blockstream investors, but all that I do know of knew Blockstream was building applications on top of bitcoin. I believe most likely would say today Blockstream hasn’t been focused sufficiently on what application for too long, as I did, but that is changing.

Sun May 13 21:11:24 +0000 2018

Replying to @marcomonaco83, @Ragnarly, @obreahny and @zooko

I think they are not criticizing your questions, but that you appear to feel you need Blockstream to be transparent to you. It has competitors (@chain for instance) & can’t be as transparent. I’d love it if everyone using bitcoin could be transparent about plans, but few can.

Sun May 13 21:17:37 +0000 2018

Replying to @youngrumi

Paternity & maternity leave policy has not come up. Certainly any required parental leave we would need to cover & ethically we are very pro family. But exactly how much support beyond required will be up to team & culture. Also complex as many people live in different places.

Sun May 13 21:23:51 +0000 2018

Replying to @marcomonaco83, @Gabridome, @obreahny and @zooko

On the scale of Twitter shit storms, this was only a little dust devil. 😏 I regret that the community feels a tred upon and is thus sensitive. I hope to for my part try to change that, which risks me starting bigger shit storms, but worthy to try.

Sun May 13 22:10:27 +0000 2018

Replying to @iang_fc, @MarkFriedenbach, @zooko and @obreahny

I don’t know yet how to get the broad user base, but I would like to see a culture where those who have benefited (aka made small fortunes) from the security of digital assets, ranging from high net-worth individuals to hedge funds, to contribute a basis point toward commons.

Sun May 13 22:15:02 +0000 2018

RT @frandallfarmer: @BuildingRep This is, like, 6 years overdue. All reputation is in context, and this context never mattered.

Sun May 13 22:34:37 +0000 2018

Replying to @greasemonkey67

Depends on your experience and where you are living. I use multiple sources and ask any potential employee to do the same. The goal is not to compete for best salary, but to be at least somewhat competitive. Easier to compete offering better work culture, work-life balance, etc.

Sun May 13 22:38:11 +0000 2018

Replying to [@anotherday__, @iang_fc, @MarkFriedenbach, @zooko, @obreahny and @anotherday](https://twitter.com/4notherday__/status/995795574938001408)

I’d be curious if you have thought about the intersection of anecdotal (but Nobel prize winning) research on commons http://www.lifewithalacrity.com/2015/11/a-revised-ostroms-design-principles-for-collective-governance-of-the-commons-.html and connecting it to game theory, mechanism design, behavioral economics, blockchain ecosystem, etc.

Sun May 13 22:48:47 +0000 2018

RT @MarkFriedenbach: @zooko @obreahny @ChristopherA Such foundations do not typically do much to support the broader ecosystem outside of t…

Mon May 14 01:15:56 +0000 2018

RT @timpastoor: @ChristopherA Reminds me of:

Mon May 14 01:16:34 +0000 2018

This is somewhat what I expected to happen at #Consensus2018 — part of why I am not going this year. There has been great progress this year on decentralized self-sovereign identity, but not there. https://twitter.com/pelleb/status/996137390707232770

Tue May 15 02:00:55 +0000 2018

Replying to @katepalmaya

😀 Start with the links in this Twitter thread: https://twitter.com/christophera/status/989120215702261761

Tue May 15 02:12:17 +0000 2018

RT @WayneVaughan: @IdentityWoman @idworkshop Agreed. @ChristopherA’s Rebooting Web of Trust events are excellent as well. I’ve been an atte…

Tue May 15 04:09:39 +0000 2018

“Google needs to address responsibility and privacy again and again, untiil we’re tired of hearing about it. And then it needs to do it again..”—@reneritchie in “The problem isn’t Duplex or AI. It’s Google.” https://www.imore.com/problem-isnt-duplex-or-ai-its-google

Tue May 15 18:27:18 +0000 2018

Replying to @calcsam and @kevinakwok

I do think there are more than I that are Ostrom-style liberatarians — believes in the commons AND the marketplace, but don’t believe that classical regulation is the way to address the limitations of either. Regulatory systems (in a cybernetics sense) yes, coercive systems no.

Wed May 16 06:57:47 +0000 2018

RT @kevinakwok: It’s not often I come across a new chart that I need to sit down and think through some more https://medium.com/@m_prewitt/egalitarian-libertarianism-90768bbb8bf2 https:…

Wed May 16 06:57:57 +0000 2018

RT @AppDreamer: Identity is not commodity, service, or function. It’s a complex conscious connector that can unaided define relationships b…

Wed May 16 07:00:05 +0000 2018

The whole starting premise of #RebootingWebOfTrust was that we needing to replace PGP, that the inherent architectural debt of a 27 year old design can no longer be incrementally upgraded but needs replacement. Making some progress with DIDs, but a ways to go. https://twitter.com/peterktodd/status/996590729399943168

Wed May 16 07:04:23 +0000 2018

RT @ChristopherA: @calcsam @kevinakwok I do think there are more than I that are Ostrom-style liberatarians — believes in the commons AND t…

Wed May 16 07:08:08 +0000 2018

RT @kevinakwok: @ChristopherA @calcsam Yes! I’m trying to figure out how ostrom style commons fits into this chart. I’ve also been spending…

Wed May 16 07:08:11 +0000 2018

Replying to @kevinakwok and @calcsam

I definitely feel like it is an elephant problem—we are touching around all the edges but can’t agree on big picture. Needs integration of Ostrom commons, game design, incentive design, behavioral economics, game theory, and much more.

Wed May 16 07:12:20 +0000 2018

Replying to @kevinakwok and @calcsam

I’m not sure. I think there are some Dunbar Number like effects with different group sizes. I consider open source to be an example of a working commons at the smaller group sizes, but at a larger sizes has a lot of inefficiencies & free riders.

Wed May 16 07:22:55 +0000 2018

Replying to @kevinakwok and @calcsam

An old article of mine on group thresholds is relevant: http://www.lifewithalacrity.com/2008/09/group-threshold.html

Wed May 16 07:25:12 +0000 2018

Our biggest fans this week: @davewiner, @dangillmor, @zooko. Thank you! via https://sumall.com/thankyou?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=publishing&utm_campaign=thank_you_tweet&utm_content=text_and_media&utm_term=d0ab6b00ad990b36d99f7a0b

Wed May 16 16:00:55 +0000 2018

Replying to @WayneVaughan

Both terms self-administered identity & self-owned identify water down the concept in self-sovereign identity of being a peer — that you define the borders within which you can make decisions and outside of which you negotiate with others as peers, not as a petitioner.

Wed May 16 16:43:20 +0000 2018

Replying to @prezcannady

Yes. I call this progressive trust, and in fact is one of the design principles in SSL/TLS that made it successful. I wrote an article about it in 2004: http://www.lifewithalacrity.com/2004/08/progressive_tru.html

Wed May 16 16:46:07 +0000 2018

Replying to @hrdwrknvrstps

A benefit of DIDs over PGP is that identifiers are separate from keys, this allows keys to be prudently revoked or rotated, and decentralized identifier lookup. Though not required to be on a blockchain, identifiers that do are implicitly timestamped. See: https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rebooting-the-web-of-trust-fall2017/blob/master/draft-documents/did-primer.md

Wed May 16 17:03:31 +0000 2018

Replying to @hrdwrknvrstps

The W3C Verifiable Claims WG meets every Tuesday morning 11am ET 8am PT. Unlike the W3C Credentials CG you do have to be a member of W3C to participate in the Verifiable Claims WG. They are making good progress on remaining issues and tests: https://www.w3.org/2017/vc/WG/

Wed May 16 17:19:57 +0000 2018

Replying to @kwerb, @calcsam and @kevinakwok

Her principal 8 is the most vague and has the most contention as to implement it. There are two variations: one variation emphasizes appropriate lowest subsidiarity, the other polycentric governance. I list both in http://www.lifewithalacrity.com/2015/11/a-revised-ostroms-design-principles-for-collective-governance-of-the-commons-.html

Wed May 16 17:25:13 +0000 2018

RT @EFF: Victory! The Senate agreed with millions of Americans and voted to keep #NetNeutrality protections. Now we need to get the House t…

Thu May 17 00:38:41 +0000 2018

RT @kwerb: @ChristopherA @calcsam @kevinakwok Pushing back on the idea that we either need an overwhelming state or ubiquitous exclusive pr…

Thu May 17 16:23:13 +0000 2018

RT @PicksCo: Today we’re open-sourcing Harmony, a proposed standard for crypto transaction CSV exports: https://github.com/picksco/harmony/blob/master/README.md

Our goal i…

Thu May 17 16:40:31 +0000 2018

I wrote some location privacy protocol ideas that I circulated around circa 2008, but I could’t get anyone in mobile phone or app industry to bite. I tried promoting it at iOSDevCamp, later when I worked for Blackphone, and several times since. Unfortunately convenience wins. https://twitter.com/zackwhittaker/status/996758911989567488

Thu May 17 16:58:43 +0000 2018

Replying to @JamieXML and @delbius

I report these to Twitter every time they come up—these scams are very frustrating 🤬. Now that they are happening to me, Twitter verified is no longer available (not that I was the hugest fan of twitter verified, but it was better than nothing).

Thu May 17 20:09:18 +0000 2018

Replying to @MarkFriedenbach, @muneeb and @zapnap

I would add “humility first”. I find that the best cryptographers & cryptographic engineers assume that there is flaw and ask others to help prove that it actually does work as hoped.

Thu May 17 21:53:59 +0000 2018

RT @ChristopherA: @MarkFriedenbach @muneeb @zapnap I would add “humility first”. I find that the best cryptographers & cryptographic engine…

Fri May 18 01:14:28 +0000 2018

RT @theyblinked: “People should not have to choose self-sovereignty. It must be the default.” -@NSmolenski #3CLMT

Fri May 18 21:39:58 +0000 2018

RT @lopp: When Cypherpunks were told in the 1990s that it was illegal to export strong cryptographic algorithms from the US because they we…

Fri May 18 21:43:19 +0000 2018

RT @jimmysong: Programming Blockchain New York is done! 37 new devs!

Fri May 18 21:43:59 +0000 2018

Replying to @aalexis1234 and @BobSummerwill

If at first you don’t succeed, try again. Sometimes you are too early (I’ve desired smart contracts since 88), or backed the wrong pony (but I’ve usually backed the 2nd pony), or just wrong (I thought cell phones would help privacy). But persistence & consistency can pay off.

Fri May 18 21:46:59 +0000 2018

RT @james_monaghan: This is a must-attend event for anyone interested in #GDPR #privacy #selfsovereignidentity https://twitter.com/ssimeetup/status/997466493720973317

Fri May 18 22:59:19 +0000 2018

The Expanse series of SF books have been consistently 👍 with relatively non-space opera realism & a interesting cast of characters. The SyFi tv-series has been very true to those stories, but is not picking up season 4—I hope someone like Netflix does! https://io9.gizmodo.com/someone-needs-to-save-the-expanse-immediately-1826091568

Sat May 19 06:10:50 +0000 2018

RT @byrongibson: @ChristopherA Yes, closest thing to hard space sci-if I’ve seen yet (with that one exception). No fake gravity or energy w…

Sat May 19 19:36:09 +0000 2018

RT @jimmysong: I’m feeling incredibly grateful today, not only because I get paid well to do what I love, but because of the amazing commun…

Sat May 19 20:28:13 +0000 2018

Another disturbing aspect (of many) in this leaked Google #SelfishData video is that violates the 1st principle of self-sovereign identity—that you are more than your digital life. Even with many sensors, the best it can create is a rudimentary simulation of who you are—not you! https://twitter.com/verge/status/998005641682792449

Sun May 20 02:41:38 +0000 2018

Replying to @csuwildcat

Next #RebootingWebOfTrust is week of September 24th in Toronto. Maybe do something either side of that?

Sun May 20 15:41:30 +0000 2018

Replying to @csuwildcat

I think we are reaching that point soon.

Mon May 21 01:15:01 +0000 2018

Replying to @DanielSolis


Mon May 21 03:38:34 +0000 2018

☑️ https://twitter.com/danielsolis/status/998188821765349377

Mon May 21 03:39:03 +0000 2018

RT @pwuille: We’ve updated our MuSig paper at https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/068 to use a 3-round signing protocol. A flaw in the proof for 2-round wa…

Mon May 21 03:39:42 +0000 2018

RT @danheld: Beginner: I know nothing
Expert: I know nothing

Mon May 21 03:46:15 +0000 2018

RT @NZN: Self-Sovereign Identity is the baseline of any functional “civil” Society. Admin-enslavement is not a functional method for Freedo…

Mon May 21 17:36:22 +0000 2018

RT @trbouma: “What Quadrant Do You Want to Be In?” https://medium.com/@trbouma/what-quadrant-do-you-want-to-be-in-f8978289bb23

Mon May 21 17:38:27 +0000 2018

Important #Bitcoin analysis: “Has transaction count become an unreliable measure of Bitcoin’s usage because of batching? Yes.

around 12% of all transactions…are batched…about 40% of all outputs and between 30–60% of all…value.”—@hasufl & @nic__carter https://medium.com/@hasufly/an-analysis-of-batching-in-bitcoin-9bdf81a394e0

Mon May 21 17:54:12 +0000 2018

RT @WayneVaughan: @ChristopherA @hasufl @nic__carter Good point. As transaction fees increase, the use of batching should increase as well.…

Mon May 21 17:58:03 +0000 2018

RT @trbouma: Digital Identity: A Chain of Claims


Mon May 21 18:08:22 +0000 2018

RT @Snyke: Sighash NOINPUT just got it’s number assigned: 118 :-)

Mon May 21 18:09:46 +0000 2018

Interesting problem space, given the increase in Totalitarian State internet censorship: “In this work, we consider the problem of bootstrapping communication into an uncensored area. We refer to this problem as stego-bootstrapping” https://eprint.iacr.org/2018/454

Mon May 21 18:37:22 +0000 2018

RT @ZcashFoundation: “With basic funding we propose creating a parallel method to the Bitcoin method for Zcash anonymous web-of-trust crede…

Mon May 21 20:21:35 +0000 2018

😏 https://twitter.com/markfriedenbach/status/998695177458876416

Mon May 21 23:00:59 +0000 2018

Replying to @MarkFriedenbach

I’m doubting anything but maybe the claim of 10% miners currently doing merge mining for RSK sidechain. However, if true that 85% have secretly agreed without talking to community then that is quite worrisome #centralization.

Mon May 21 23:42:53 +0000 2018

RT @MarkFriedenbach: RSK surprise launching with 85% of the hash rate merge mining is the most damning evidence of miner centralization so…

Mon May 21 23:43:08 +0000 2018

Replying to @SDLerner and @MarkFriedenbach

Ok, I’ll bite. I have a sidechain that I’d like have merge mining for. Where are the docs to your “modules” so that I can ask these miners to mine my sidechain? Are they open source? Are there any existing contracts that prevent me from negotiating my own deal with miners?

Tue May 22 04:50:38 +0000 2018

I’ve mentioned this paper before — it that concludes that humanitarian organizations that cross borders like the International Committee of the Red Cross (@ICRC) need decentralized identity services, such as W3C DIDs. The paper has won a Distinguished Paper aware at IEEE #SP18! https://twitter.com/brynosaurus/status/998953292032983043

Tue May 22 19:52:15 +0000 2018

RT @agropper: Roche paid $2,000 per patient record and will sell this secret database to future cancer patients for tens of $Billions. Wast…

Tue May 22 19:58:49 +0000 2018

RT @WillOremus: Facebook handed data to shady third parties about your Facebook likes and profiles. It stopped in 2015.

Your wireless com…

Wed May 23 05:34:47 +0000 2018

RT @chriseng: (paraphrase) “Things like BGP, DNS, and SSL have become personal safety issues.” @dotMudge #l0pht20

Wed May 23 05:39:55 +0000 2018

RT @cccalum: China’s social credit system has blocked people from taking 11 million flights and 4 million train trips.
And it’s only in bet…

Wed May 23 12:51:34 +0000 2018

Our biggest fans this week: @MadBitcoins, @theonevortex, @Xentagz. Thank you! via https://sumall.com/thankyou?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=publishing&utm_campaign=thank_you_tweet&utm_content=text_and_media&utm_term=d0ab6b00ad990b36d99f7a0b

Wed May 23 16:00:39 +0000 2018

Replying to @iam_preethi

Congratulations! I hope you will join the W3C and participate in the Verifiable Claims Working Group! https://www.w3.org/2017/vc/WG/ The W3C Credentials CG https://w3c-ccg.github.io willalso useful for your goals.

Thu May 24 00:53:12 +0000 2018

RT @asglidden: In case any of you were tracking the CA blockchain legislation, they’ve amended it from Arizona’s terrible definition. Most…

Thu May 24 01:00:58 +0000 2018

On my way to Laramie, WY to participate in a Wyoming Blockchain Task Force meeting. They have 5 new blockchain bills that have recently passed, and now it is time to implement them. I’m particularly interested in new records law HB101—stockholders as keys! http://www.wyoleg.gov/Calendar/20180501/Meeting

Thu May 24 01:09:13 +0000 2018

Replying to @lpolovets

A decade or so ago a number of us early on Twitter would highlight the best post each day with RT with the hashtag #qotd—it made it easier to search for interesting thoughts. I’m sure today if too successful it would grow out on control, but maybe it’s time to revive the concept?

Thu May 24 01:13:51 +0000 2018

RT @ChristopherA: @lpolovets A decade or so ago a number of us early on Twitter would highlight the best post each day with RT with the has…

Thu May 24 01:14:07 +0000 2018

RT @noah_weiss: 19/ In summary, just a few dangerous PM myths to avoid: mini CEO, chief decision maker, primary idea generator, political s…

Thu May 24 13:31:47 +0000 2018

Replying to @octal

Why use a hotel when there are so many great Paris neighborhood short term apartment rentals. Who needs room service when you can walk to the local boulangerie, café, etc.

Thu May 24 17:01:40 +0000 2018

RT @hrdng: I recommend reading this: it’s the most detailed and vivid description I’ve seen yet of how decentralized consensus systems beco…

Thu May 24 18:09:43 +0000 2018

RT @alexbosworth: In critiques about Core/Lightning I see superficial commentary. It’s too bad; there are many real technical issues. Few d…

Thu May 24 18:10:02 +0000 2018

RT @agropper: You know that silly fear about Alexa recording everything and leaking it online? It just happened https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/05/24/alexa_recording_couple/ @Pa…

Thu May 24 20:51:02 +0000 2018

RT @alexbosworth: As PoW commoditizes and subsidies fade, 51% attacks will become more of a threat to fork coins. Centralized chains where…

Thu May 24 21:50:22 +0000 2018

Replying to @trbouma, @chriswinc, @facebook and @SovrinID

The correct wording should probably be to use one of a number of valid and tested DIDs, which may include Sovrin as an example of one, and issue a verifiable claim about that DID.

Thu May 24 22:02:59 +0000 2018

RT @CaitlinLong_: Honored to hear sage wisdom from @ChristopherA at the #Wyoming #Blockchain Task Force today, among other industry luminar…

Thu May 24 23:33:13 +0000 2018

RT @csuwildcat: “We’ve had digital signatures for decades, so why no digital identity until now?”

It isn’t about signatures - “This just i…

Fri May 25 17:30:50 +0000 2018

RT @CaitlinLong_: NEWS! #Wyoming #Blockchain Task Force recommended drafting 3 new bills:

  • #cryptocurrencies = legal tender in WY;
  • fun…

Fri May 25 17:31:19 +0000 2018

Replying to @uport_me and @oedbeo

Can your team offer a presentation on your proposal and some details on your implementation roadmap at an upcoming W3C Credentials CG meeting? https://w3c-ccg.github.io @ChrisLundkvist @JoeAndrieu @kimdhamilton

Fri May 25 17:37:22 +0000 2018

RT @odedleiba: New Boneh et al’s paper is extremely exciting!
It builds on the construction of MPSW for Schnorr Multisig with key aggrega…

Fri May 25 17:39:27 +0000 2018

RT @theinstagibbs: Well, them and the ETH Foundation folks.

Fri May 25 18:16:10 +0000 2018

RT @CaitlinLong_: HUGE BREAKING NEWS—#Wyoming #Blockchain Task Force directs drafting of a bill enabling uninsured blockchain-friendly comm…

Fri May 25 19:40:55 +0000 2018

RT @CaitlinLong_: Successful end to a successful trip to #Laramie for the #Wyoming #Blockchain Task Force—a well-earned drink at the #Buckh…

Sat May 26 01:26:14 +0000 2018

Replying to @Kyle_DH

I did, but it was on Google docs & it has bitrotted. Looking for a backup.

Sat May 26 17:32:49 +0000 2018

RT @CaitlinLong_: We’re working on a solution. It will not be a fast process it’s not a sure thing — 2019 at the earliest — but this was a…

Sat May 26 22:37:54 +0000 2018

RT @prezcannady: Been thinking about “progressive trust” since @ChristopherA introduced it to me. If you can confidently vouch for an ident…

Mon May 28 18:02:24 +0000 2018

RT @VitalikButerin: I made a comment buried in a reddit thread yesterday about how my views on privacy have changed over the last few years…

Mon May 28 23:06:30 +0000 2018

Replying to @VladZamfir

I believe your L2 “free ride” security risk is balanced against the risk of adding L2 functionality to L1. L2 can have different design to incentivize & moderate different functionality that would be sub-optimal to put in L1. I personally would like to deprecate some L1 -> L2.

Tue May 29 15:26:39 +0000 2018

👍“For the digital society to be open, safe, and empowering for everyone…Governments should intensify efforts to assure that the Internet is not fragmented and that people and their rights are at its centre.” https://g20openletter.org/

Tue May 29 18:49:35 +0000 2018

RT @heathervescent: I was reminded this morning, that everyone who works in the identity space, is in it for a reason. You know what that i…

Wed May 30 02:07:22 +0000 2018

RT @fnietom: Options contracts can be implemented as trust-minimized smart contracts using Bitcoin script. #derivatives https://t.co/3LJxDI…

Wed May 30 02:27:24 +0000 2018

Our biggest fans this week: @TuurDemeester, @CaitlinLong_, @Lambo. Thank you! via https://sumall.com/thankyou?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=publishing&utm_campaign=thank_you_tweet&utm_content=text_and_media&utm_term=d0ab6b00ad990b36d99f7a0b

Wed May 30 16:01:21 +0000 2018

Replying to @simondlr

IOSDevCamp was very successful for 10 years, very family friendly and largely we closed event space 11ish Friday & Saturday with hack show on Sunday ending by 7. Some teams did work through night, and sometimes camping was available nearby, but I found those largely to be social.

Wed May 30 21:07:38 +0000 2018

I will not be able to attend this identity unconference in India, but it has number of supporters of self-sovereign identity attending. If you are in South Asia and care about human-rights centric decentralized identity I encourage you to participate. https://in.explara.com/e/indita

Wed May 30 22:42:43 +0000 2018

Is anyone still working on lowering the costs of doing Reg A+ securities as digital assets? I’m less interested in utility tokens & more on equity tokens that offer better ways to offer better/wiser corporate governance processes. Have ICOs killed Reg A+? https://www.seedinvest.com/blog/jobs-act/raising-capital-reg-a-mini-ipo

Wed May 30 22:53:27 +0000 2018

For instance, a Reg A+ company could allow stockholder keys (in particular in Wyoming which allows stockholders represented keys in HB101) to offer dynamic board representation with quadratic voting and/or liquid governance, or other forms to support stakeholder participation.

Wed May 30 23:02:13 +0000 2018

RT @ChristopherA: For instance, a Reg A+ company could allow stockholder keys (in particular in Wyoming which allows stockholders represent…

Wed May 30 23:02:17 +0000 2018

Replying to @kacperwikiel and @neufundorg

I’d be interested in knowing if Estonia might support these forms as a US citizen can get e-residency to form a corporation there.

Wed May 30 23:08:47 +0000 2018

I’m not interested in instant liquidity that ICOs offer — I’d rather help orgs find long-term investors that want to build an ecosystem and all profit through dividends, not investors primarily interested in increase in equity price & exit. Better alignment of interests my way.

Wed May 30 23:11:57 +0000 2018

Replying to @kacperwikiel and @neufundorg

This problem with banking is becoming a big enough that in Wyoming they are investigating state-chartered banks that would not join FDIC so they could offer business services to those being excluded now. https://twitter.com/caitlinlong_/status/1000088153363963904

Wed May 30 23:42:40 +0000 2018

Replying to @DigFrontierCon and @KyleSamani

I’ve never formally presented on this, but have brought these type of ideas up as a panelist or question to presenters. We need better solutions here—ICO mania is driving out (or drying up) many sources of capital for legitimate business ideas.

Wed May 30 23:45:59 +0000 2018

Replying to @MarkFriedenbach and @hrdng

I’m not sure “sociopathic”, but I do believe what makes us human is more than purely selfish motivations. There is huge value in cooperation! Unfortunately, it has become harder & harder to cooperate against purely selfish incentives online—we need new strategies to change that.

Thu May 31 00:10:49 +0000 2018

RT @MarkFriedenbach: @ChristopherA @hrdng And certainly the societal value of a form of money should depend on how well that form of money…

Thu May 31 00:32:20 +0000 2018

RT @lopp: This is my node. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My blockchain is validated by me. It is my financial life. I must…

Thu May 31 00:33:32 +0000 2018

🗝💬👍“Tying commercial success and programmers’ pay, bonuses, and career progression to “engagement” has created an entire arsenal for capturing and directing attention without regard to the effect of these techniques on the user’s subjective experience” http://locusmag.com/2018/05/cory-doctorow-the-engagement-maximization-presidency/

Thu May 31 00:42:54 +0000 2018

Replying to @otherdoc

I’m interested ChristopherA at http://RPG.net

Thu May 31 15:18:56 +0000 2018

RT @harryhalpin: Congrats to Benjamin Lipp at @ProseccoINRIA for finishing his Masters Thesis on the formal verification of Wireguard under…

Thu May 31 17:56:27 +0000 2018
